Beschrijving van het evenement

  • Datum: May 17, 2008
  • Time: 21:00
  • Adres: Adres zichtbaar voor aanwezigen

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Hello Polyglot & Salsa Lovers !

This is a new invitation for Salsa Dancers members of Polyglot in Paris !

To m
eet & speak
  foreign languages (NO FRENCH SPOKEN)
To learn &
dance Salsa
To have a good time in a multicultural & happy atmosphere

Every First Saturday of the Month
Next event : Saturday,  May 17th - 9:00PM

(23 rue du Faubourg du Temble, Paris 11, Metro République)

Beginner Lesson: 9PM to 10PM
Intermediate Lesson:
10PM to 11PM
Free dancing: 11PM to 5AM

Entrance Fee: 13 € (includes 2 lessons + 1 drink + Soirée + 'vestiaire') - 11€ without lessons

> > Map

If you are interested, please register to this event.
You will receive Gaelle's cell phone number.

Meeting Point inside the place ?
The Beginner class starts at 9PM, so we will meet inside the RETRODANCING at 9PM sharp.
When you enter the main room, just after the 'Vestaire' on the left, on the big red couches (On se retrouve du côté des premiers canapés rouges tout de suite à gauche en entrant après le vestaire).
If you arrive later and want to find us, call Gaelle


For those who want, we will meet earlier for dinner in a Cuban Restaurant
to better know each other & discuss ideally in Spanish or English or any other language.

The Restaurant is a small authentic Cuban restaurant, with good food, nice salsa music,  warm, happy  atmosphere... It is a very simple & typical Cuban Restaurant, you will like it !

  • Meeting Time: 18:45PM at Cuban Restaurant 'ILE CHANGO'
  • Address:    51, Rue de la Fontaine au Roi, Paris 11 (Metro : Goncourt/Parmentier/Republique)
  • Special Polyglot Price: 15 Euros including 1 main course (Pollo a la Cubana o Picadillo a la Habanera) + 1 drink (Punch/Mojito)

For reservations :
Please write a message here or give me a call. 
See you on Saturday for  DINNER (18:45PM) or SALSA  evening (21:00PM) !

Gaelle (Cell : 06 27 12 21 53)


    *** The Polyglot Salsa Club ***


New! Join 120+ TRIPS from Paris, designed for polyglots!


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Zij praten over ons!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Alorelei profile picture AloreleiJune 2008


As Saturday is the 1st Saturday of the month, will there be a salsa evening plz?



vincent profile picture vincentMay 2008
Gaelle = fenomenal salsa organizer

Freegalou profile picture FreegalouMay 2008

Hola Lucia !

As Vincent said, the weather will be quite bad tomorrow evening.
But we will definitely organize the next summer salsa events on the Quais de Seine !!!
We hope to see you at Retrodancing tomorrow !


Gaelle salsera

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2008
Hi Lucia,

tomorrow WEATHER IS VERY BAD : so NO salsa "sur les quais" !!

but for next time it'll be a very good idea!!

luciaitalia profile picture luciaitaliaMay 2008

Hola salseros!

I want to tell you that this saturday, if I didn' t receive a bad info, we will be able to find "salsa sur le quais"! Think about this, at least for  the following salsa meeting... if right now it is too late to change the plan. See you soon!

Freegalou profile picture FreegalouMay 2008

Hola Salseros !

Thank you  for registering at the Salsa Polyglot event on Saturday, May 17.

For those who want, we will meet earlier for dinner in a Cuban Restaurant
to better know each other & discuss ideally in Spanish or English or any other language.

The Restaurant is a small authentic Cuban restaurant, with good food, nice salsa music,  warm, happy  atmosphere... It is a very simple & typical Cuban Restaurant, you will like it !

  • Meeting Time: 18:45PM at Cuban Restaurant 'ILE CHANGO'
  • Address:    51, Rue de la Fontaine au Roi, Paris 11 (Metro : Goncourt/Parmentier/Republique)
  • Special Polyglot Price: 15 Euros including 1 main course (Pollo a la Cubana o Picadillo a la Habanera) + 1 drink (Punch/Mojito)

For reservations :
Please write a message here or give me a call. 
See you on Saturday for  DINNER (18:45PM) or SALSA  evening (21:00PM) !

Gaelle (Cell : 06 27 12 21 53)

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2008
perso, j'irai d'abord entre 20h et 22h au meeting à saint germain


et ensuite j'irai à la salsa !!

a bientot!!
Betty-boopy profile picture Betty-boopyMay 2008

Très sympa de la part de Gaella d' organiser ces RDV's au Retrodancing. Mais l' interdiction de parler du français c 'est un contraint. Je  paye  cher (materiellement et affectivement)   pour habiter en France a fin de maîtriser définitievement cette langue.  j'y exerce une activité de recherche qui m' isole du monde, Il faut que je le pratique, quand je rencontre les gens. On peut en rviser cette règle là? D' accord, j' accept de parler un peu en italen.

à bientôt,
