Picnic - Parc Monsouris

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2007


well bring it anyway, we'll see ...


ifig profile picture ifigMay 2007
I  can play the pipes   but unfortunately I" m pretty sure I" m not allowed to play inside the parc because the bagpipes sound is too loud
ZeWall profile picture ZeWallMay 2007
I bring my  EOS  Canon  Camera with a Sigma Zoom and a Metz flash  !
vincent profile picture vincentMay 2007

If weather is not good, the meeting is not cancelled but don't bring your picnic with you caus we'll go to the nearby restaurant at the university (price = 2,75 Euro )


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2007


You can bring your music instruments : i'll bring my guitar !

Tell me if you can bring your instrument ...