Weekend 3 jours à AMSTERDAM ! [COMPLET]

Beschrijving van het evenement


Clotiilde profile picture ClotiildeOctober 2013


je suis nouvelle sur ce site et ce voyage m'intéresse.

j'ai un anglais basique,est ce que je comprendrai le guide un minimum? Est ce que des personnes partent seule? 

  • pat profile picture patOctober 2013
    Bienvenue Clotilde! Pas de problème, nous nous adaptons à TOUS! C'est l'OUVERTURE qui compte!
  • vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2013
    Bonjour Clotilde et Manue, la connaissance de l'anglais n'est pas obligatoire, c'est juste un plus ! votre guide parlera en français et anglais. c'est encore mieux de venir seul(e) pour rencontrer plus de monde
  • La_Manue profile picture La_ManueOctober 2013
    Je pense que ça ne sera que bénéfique, enfin j'espère parce que moi aussi j'ai un anglais basique!
Liminal profile picture LiminalOctober 2013
London and Amsterdam booked so coooool
Sandri1890 profile picture Sandri1890October 2013
Hello Polyglotters!

I hope this message finds you well.

I write you because unfortunately I will not be available to travel because since I am foreign student in France, I'm still waiting for my first Titre de Séjour, and according to an article I read on the internet if the Récipissé you have is the first you had ever, you might be on risk of being stopped in the boundary between France and other country of the European Union... I am very sad because of that because I was really looking forward to go and have a great time in Amsterdam, but I don't want to have any problems with the authorities (I'm a good citizen !)...

Therefore, since I am aware of the annulation conditions I would like to know either if there is someone interested on taking my spot (you can message me, thus we can arrange the payment of my place), or if it is possible for me to keep that amount as a credit and use it for a next trip...

I already went to a Polyglot Trip (Bretagne et Normandie in the summer), it was GREAT for me, and every time that someone ask me a "good plan" to travel either around France or Europe, I always share the "polyglot experience" I had during the summer!! I'm not coming this time because I do not want to have any problems in the boundary. That's the only reason

Thank you very much in advance for your answer and comprehension!!
