[ANNULÉ] Cours ANGLAIS JEUDIS (niveau intermédiaire à expérimenté)

Event description


pat profile picture patNovember 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 7 novembre 2013:

- TEACHING & AUTODIDACTICISM: self-learning or self-teaching?

- Are EXAMS a waste of time? Put tests to the test.

PARTS of these topics were already introduced BRIEFLY on Thursday 31 October, but due to Halloween and a  3-day week-end, only 2 participants attended class.

This week, we propose those topics again, because they are very popular and we would like to hear ALL your views!

pat profile picture patOctober 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 31 octobre 2013:

- TEACHING & AUTODIDACTICISM: self-learning or self-teaching?

- Are EXAMS a waste of time? Put tests to the test.

pat profile picture patOctober 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 24 octobre 2013:

- MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT: play, listen & watch!

- ANIMALS & ANIMOSITY: pets & responsibilities

pat profile picture patSeptember 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 19 septembre 2013:

- PRIORITIES in life: what OBJECTS really matter?

- Make APOLOGIES: apologize in different situations

- FINISH the story: find endings to various stories