[ANNULÉ] Cours ANGLAIS JEUDIS (niveau intermédiaire à expérimenté)

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pat profile picture patNovember 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 7 novembre 2013:

- TEACHING & AUTODIDACTICISM: self-learning or self-teaching?

- Are EXAMS a waste of time? Put tests to the test.

PARTS of these topics were already introduced BRIEFLY on Thursday 31 October, but due to Halloween and a  3-day week-end, only 2 participants attended class.

This week, we propose those topics again, because they are very popular and we would like to hear ALL your views!

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2013
A ce soir !
pat profile picture patOctober 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 31 octobre 2013:

- TEACHING & AUTODIDACTICISM: self-learning or self-teaching?

- Are EXAMS a waste of time? Put tests to the test.

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2013
A ce soir
pat profile picture patOctober 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 24 octobre 2013:

- MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT: play, listen & watch!

- ANIMALS & ANIMOSITY: pets & responsibilities

pat profile picture patSeptember 2013

THEMES traités le jeudi 19 septembre 2013:

- PRIORITIES in life: what OBJECTS really matter?

- Make APOLOGIES: apologize in different situations

- FINISH the story: find endings to various stories