[ANNULÉ] Cours ANGLAIS JEUDIS (niveau intermédiaire à expérimenté)

Event description


SmileKaylee profile picture SmileKayleeMay 2014

I am in China. I want to know what Beijing time the meeting is .

  • pat profile picture patMay 2014
    Hello SmileKaylee! Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, we are only offering face to face (off line) classes at this point. Hopefully, in the future! Keep up the good work =)
SmileKaylee profile picture SmileKayleeMay 2014
Sorry.I thought this meeting would be held online. I can't come.
vincent profile picture vincentMay 2014
A ce soir !!! Polyglot Club travaille même les jours fériés, ça c'est fort !!
  • pat profile picture patMay 2014
    He He ^.^ A TRUE polyglot NEVER rests ;-) And quite a turnout today, uh?! I'm guessing it's the TOPIC! LOVE to love =)
Awwilix profile picture AwwilixApril 2014
Hello pat, I was wondering if you would allow teens to attend your class ? Because I'm only 15 and I really need to practice my speaking English... Thanks in advance, awwilix
  • pat profile picture patApril 2014
    Hello Awwilix and WELCOME!! Of course, teens are WELCOME to our English conversation classes! We always aim for diversity and efficiency, so your motivation and efforts will help us ALL =)
pat profile picture patApril 2014

Thèmes proposés pour le JEUDI 1er MAI 2014

ATTENTION: jeudi 1er mai est FERIé = IMPORTANT de s'inscrire et de vérifier si MINIMUM 6 participants!