Polyglot Brussels Traditional Meeting!

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2010

Hey Assia,

just a suggestion but you could as well do it there ...  (where Guy used to do it)

CAFE ' A LA MORT SUBITE ' 7, rue Montagne-aux-Herbes Potagères 1000 BRUXELLES

petrpetr profile picture petrpetrAugust 2010

Is there a chance you move the meeting place closer to the Brussels-Central train station? The current one is quite far for those in need of an easy connection.


Asuscha profile picture AsuschaAugust 2010

don't worry, there will be other meetings

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2010

arggh !!!

The_Globetrotter profile picture The_GlobetrotterAugust 2010

  oh nooo ! I cannot come ....i am outside Belgium again

So soooorry Assia !!


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2010

!!! !!!