Polyglot Brussels Traditional Meeting!

Event description


Asuscha profile picture AsuschaAugust 2010

Hi Fred,

Too bad you can't come to the next meeting

We'll definitely have a drink on you (everyone of us  ) and hope to see you soon.

Enjoy Spain!


fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzAugust 2010

Hey my polyglot friends,

Sorry but I cannot come on the 4th September because I'll be practising my Spanish in Spain !

Have a lot of fun, speak as many languages as possible ... and drink sth to my health -)



fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzAugust 2010

Hi dear polyglot friends,

I spent a very nice evening thanks to Assia for the organization but also to Aicha, Stefan, Youri and Sloveigh for the talks.

We spoke mainly in Dutch and it was really interesting to learn the subtilities of the languages thanks to the native Stefan.

Now I know that I have "nonkels" somewhere in Brussels and Belgium -)



karim2010 profile picture karim2010August 2010

Hello everybody !  .

Thank you very much , but sorry Assia

I am  not  in Belgium on  21st  .  i'll come back next week

So I will be happy to go to the ones after tha

Have a nice meetting.



Caro0306 profile picture Caro0306August 2010

Hello everybody !

I'm a new member and I would like to improve my english and my dutch. I'm very happy to discover the "polyglot club" but I won't be available the 21st aug. I'll try to go to the next meeting. See you soon !

pat profile picture patAugust 2010

  GLAD the Brussels chapter of Polyglot Club is *BACK ON TRACKS*! Keep it running, this is priceless!

soya_de profile picture soya_deAugust 2010

It's actually easy to get to the Applique Bar from Gare du Midi, you just take the Tram 3 or 4 to the stop "Albert", it's a 10-minute-ride. And I like that the café is not too big.

finlan profile picture finlanAugust 2010

Not able to go on the 21st but will go to the ones after that.

Glad it is started again.

WHy don't we form a committee to keep it up and running.

I really liked the Friday evenings...