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Turkish vs French words in Turkish
Turkish vs French words in Turkish



Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨TURKISH VS FRENCH WORDS¨ in Turkish.

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions!

Good learning! :)



Some Turkish vs French words in Turkish








Lawyer Avocats ah vou kaht Avukat a vu kat advogado
Lampshade Abat-jour ah bah zhoor Abajur a ba juur abajur
Banner Affiche ah fihsh Afiş a fich cartaz
packing Emballages ahm bah lah zhih Ambalaj am ba la ji embalagem
Ambulance Ambulance ahm bou lahns Ambulans am bu lans ambulância
Bulb Ampoules ahm pool Ampul am puL ampola
Survey Enquete ahn keht Anket an ket exame
Asphalt Asphalte ahs fahlt Asfalt as faLt asfalto
Athlete Athlète ah tleht Atlet a tlet atleta
Luggage Bagage bah gah zhih Bagaj ba ga ji bagagem
Dam Barrage bah rah zhih Baraj ba ra ji barragem
Concrete Beton beh tohn Beton be ton concreto
Screen Ecran eh krahn Ekran e kran tela
Detergent Dètergent deh tehr zhahn Deterjan de ter jan detergente
Couch Canapè kah neh peh Kanepe ka ne pe sofá
Perfume Parfum pahr fewm Parfüm par fyym perfume
Trousers Pantalon pahn toh lohn Pantolon pan to lon calças
Pardon Pardon pahr dohn Pardon par don perdão
Suitcase Valise vah Valiz va liz mala

Transparent words are two words that have a similar spelling and the same meaning.

Here is a list of transparent words in Turkish and French.

Avukat Avocats
Abajur Abat-jour
Afiş Affiche
Ambalaj Emballages
Ambulans Ambulance
Ampul Ampoules
Anket Enquete
Asfalt Asphalte
Atlet Athlète
Bagaj Bagage
Baraj Barrage
Beton Beton
Ekran Ecran
Deterjan Dètergent
Kanepe Canapè
Parfüm Parfum
Pantolon Pantalon
Pardon Pardon
Valiz Valise


Vincent, Maintenance script and

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