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MalteseVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Family and Relationships → Relationships

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will expand our vocabulary in Maltese by focusing on relationships. Understanding the vocabulary related to relationships is important as it allows us to communicate and express ourselves effectively in various social settings. Whether it's talking about our family members, friends, or colleagues, this lesson will equip you with the necessary vocabulary to navigate different relationship contexts in Maltese. Let's dive in and explore the rich world of relationships in the Maltese language!

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Family Members[edit | edit source]

Family forms the foundation of our relationships, and it's essential to know the names of different family members in Maltese. Here are some commonly used family terms:

Maltese Pronunciation English
ġenitur [ˈd͡ʒɛnɪtʊr] parent
missier [mɪsˈsɪr] father
omm [ɔm] mother
ibnu [ˈɪbnu] son
bint [bɪnt] daughter
aqwa [ˈaːqwa] brother
oħra [ˈɔːrɐ] sister
nannu [ˈnannʊ] grandfather
nanna [ˈnannɐ] grandmother
ħajja [ˈħaɪjːɐ] husband
mara [ˈmɐrɐ] wife
nanniet [nɐˈnjɛt] grandchildren

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Now let's explore the vocabulary related to different types of relationships in Maltese. These terms will help you express your connection with others and describe the nature of your relationships accurately:

Friends[edit | edit source]

Friends play a significant role in our lives, and it's important to have the vocabulary to talk about them in Maltese. Here are some words you can use:

Maltese Pronunciation English
ħbieb [ħbɪɛb] friends
sħab [sħɐb] buddies
kollegi [kɔlˈlɛdʒɪ] colleagues
għalliema [ˈaːllɪmɐ] teachers
studenti [stʊˈdɛn̪t̪ɪ] students
kompagni [kɔmˈpɐɲɪ] companions

Partners[edit | edit source]

When talking about romantic relationships, it's important to have the vocabulary to describe your partner in Maltese. Here are some words you can use:

Maltese Pronunciation English
raġel [ˈrɐd͡ʒɛl] man
mara [ˈmɐrɐ] woman
ġenb [ˈd͡ʒɛmb] husband
mara [ˈmɐrɐ] wife
fidanzat [fɪdɐnˈzɐt] boyfriend
fidanzata [fɪdɐnˈzɐtɐ] girlfriend
ħbieb [ħbɪɛb] friends

Colleagues[edit | edit source]

In the professional context, it's important to be able to talk about your colleagues in Maltese. Here are some words you can use:

Maltese Pronunciation English
kollegi [kɔlˈlɛdʒɪ] colleagues
impjegati [ɪmpjɛˈɡɐtɪ] employees
superviżuri [sʊpɛrˈvɪʒʊrɪ] supervisors
impjegat [ɪmpjɛˈɡɐt] employee
uffiċjal [ʊˈfːɪtʃjɐl] officer
direttur [dɪˈrɛtːʊr] director

Cultural Insight[edit | edit source]

In Maltese culture, family ties are highly valued, and the concept of "family" extends beyond immediate relatives. It's common for Maltese people to have close relationships with their extended family members, such as aunts, uncles, and cousins. Family gatherings and celebrations are an integral part of Maltese culture, providing an opportunity for relatives to come together and strengthen their bonds.

Malta's history as a Mediterranean island has influenced its culture and relationships. The warm climate and close-knit communities foster a sense of interconnectedness and reliance on one another. This is reflected in the way relationships are valued and nurtured in Maltese society.

Maltese people are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Making friends is relatively easy in Malta, and it's common for people to strike up conversations with strangers. This openness and approachability contribute to the strong sense of community and social connections in Maltese culture.

Practice[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Complete the following exercises to reinforce your understanding of the vocabulary related to relationships in Maltese.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks[edit | edit source]

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word in Maltese:

1. Il-ħbieb huma importanti għall-______ tagħna. (Friends) 2. Rajna lill-______ tagħha. (Husband) 3. In-nanna u nannu huma l-______ tagħna. (Grandparents) 4. Għandni ħbieb mill-_______. (Colleagues) 5. Inti taf x'jistgħu jagħmlu l-_______. (Students)

Solution: 1. Il-ħbieb huma importanti għall-__ħajja__ tagħna. (Friends) 2. Rajna lill-__ġenb__ tagħha. (Husband) 3. In-nanna u nannu huma l-__nanniet__ tagħna. (Grandparents) 4. Għandni ħbieb mill-__kollegi__. (Colleagues) 5. Inti taf x'jistgħu jagħmlu l-__studenti__. (Students)

Exercise 2: Translate[edit | edit source]

Translate the following sentences from English to Maltese:

1. My brother is my best friend. 2. She is married to a wonderful man. 3. We have a family gathering every Christmas. 4. I enjoy working with my colleagues. 5. They are good students.

Solution: 1. Aħwa tiegħi huwa l-aħjar ħbieb tiegħi. 2. Hi marbuta ma' raġel sabiħ. 3. Għandna laqgħa tal-familja kull Milied. 4. Nixtieq/ Nixtiequ nħobb inħadem ma' kollegi tiegħi. 5. Huma studenti tajbin.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have expanded your vocabulary related to relationships in Maltese. Understanding and using the appropriate vocabulary in different relationship contexts is crucial for effective communication. Keep practicing and incorporating these words into your conversations to become more confident in expressing yourself in Maltese.

In the next lesson, we will explore the vocabulary related to hobbies and leisure in Maltese. Stay tuned for an exciting journey into the world of sports, entertainment, and more!

Sources[edit | edit source]

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