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Lithuanian Grammar - Plurals

Hi Lithuanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about plurals in Lithuanian, an important aspect of Grammar. As a Lithuanian language teacher for over 20 years, I will illustrate this lesson with cultural information and interesting facts. Don't hesitate to ask any questions in the comments section and feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Noun Gender and Declension, Conditional Mood, Common Prepositions & 0 to A1 Course.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In Lithuanian, as in many other languages, nouns can be either singular or plural. In this lesson, we will focus on forming plurals in Lithuanian. Knowing plurals will help you better communicate with native Lithuanian speakers and expand your vocabulary when learning the language.

To improve your Lithuanian Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Rules for Forming Plurals[edit | edit source]

The rules for forming plurals in Lithuanian are based on the word's gender and number.

Gender[edit | edit source]

In Lithuanian, there are three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The gender of a noun is important to know when forming plurals because the ending of the word changes depending on its gender.

Number[edit | edit source]

Lithuanian has two numbers: singular and plural. When forming plurals, the noun's ending typically changes, with some exceptions.

To form plurals in Lithuanian, we add different suffixes depending on the gender and the final vowel of the singular form. If the noun ends with -as, -is or -us, usually we have to change the ending to -ai, -iai or -us in its plural form.

However, there are some irregularities, especially when it comes to nouns with feminine gender. For example, nouns ending with -ė will have both -ės and -ėse forms in their plural. Another example is a noun ‘motina’ (mother), which changes in plural to ‘motinos’.

Now, let's see some more specific examples below.

Masculine Nouns[edit | edit source]

Masculine nouns in Lithuanian usually end in -as, -is, or -us.

Lithuanian Pronunciation English
vyras vee-rahs man
automobilis ow-to-mo-be-lys automobile
studentas stu-dehn-tuhs student

To form the plural of masculine nouns:

  • Nouns ending in -as change to -ai, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
vyras vee-rahs man
vyrai vee-rai men
  • Nouns ending in -is change to -iai, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
automobilis ow-to-mo-be-lys automobile
automobiliai ow-to-mo-be-li-ai automobiles
  • Nouns ending in -us can have different endings, such as -ai or -ius, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
studentas stu-dehn-tuhs student
studentai stu-dehn-tai students
gydytojas gi-dih-toh-yas doctor
gydytojai gi-dih-toh-yai doctors

Feminine Nouns[edit | edit source]

Feminine nouns in Lithuanian usually end in -a, -ė, or -ėlė.

Lithuanian Pronunciation English
moteris mo-teh-ris woman
medis meh-dis tree
obelis oh-beh-lis apple tree

To form the plural of feminine nouns:

  • Nouns ending in -a change to -os, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
moteris mo-teh-ris woman
moterys mo-teh-ris women
  • Nouns ending in -ė can have different endings -ės or -ėse, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
žmona zh-mo-nah wife
žmonos zh-mo-nos wives or family in general
gyvate gi-va-teh snake
gyvatės gi-va-tes snakes
  • Nouns ending in -ėlė change to -ėlės, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
bernelė ber-ne-leh little girl
bernelės ber-ne-lehs little girls

Neuter Nouns[edit | edit source]

Neuter nouns in Lithuanian usually end in -e, such as "pienas" (milk) or "vanduo" (water).

To form the plural of neuter nouns:

  • Nouns ending in -e change to -iai, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
pienas pye-nahs milk
pienai pye-nai milks

Mixed Gender Nouns[edit | edit source]

Mixed gender nouns in Lithuanian are those that can be masculine or feminine, depending on the context.

To form the plural of mixed gender nouns:

  • We usually use the masculine plural forms, for example:
Lithuanian Pronunciation English
vaikas vy-kas child
vaikai vy-kai children

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Here is a dialogue to help you see how plurals function in conversation:

  • Person 1: Ką tu gali man papasakoti apie Lietuvos gyventojus? (What can you tell me about the people of Lithuania?)
  • Person 2: Jie yra didelis draugiškas žmonių būrys, daugelis jų labai mėgsta gerti alų. (They are a big friendly group of people, many of whom love to drink beer.)
  • Person 1: Tai reiškia, kad jie yra alaus gerėjai? (So that means they are beer drinkers?)
  • Person 2: Taip, ypač vyrai. (Yes, especially men.)
  • Person 1: Suprantu, aš norėčiau susipažinti su keliais lietuvių žmonėmis. (I understand, I would like to meet a few Lithuanian people.)
  • Person 2: Jūs galite naudoti Polyglot Club, kad susikurtumėte keletą draugų iš Lietuvos. (You can use Polyglot Club to meet some friends from Lithuania.)

Practice[edit | edit source]

Now, it's your turn to practice forming plurals in Lithuanian. Choose 5 nouns and their translations in English, and form their respective plural forms. Check your answers below:

Lithuanian Pronunciation English (singular) English (plural)
kava kah-vah coffee
knyga k-nih-gah book
automobilis ow-to-mo-be-lys automobile
medis meh-dis tree
studentė stu-den-teh student (female)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In conclusion, plurals are an important aspect of Lithuanian grammar. Knowing how to form plurals in Lithuanian can help improve your communication with native speakers and expand your vocabulary. Don't hesitate to practice and use the examples from this lesson in real-life situations.

Sources[edit | edit source]

Great work on completing this lesson! Take a moment to investigate these connected pages: Questions, Lithuanian Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns, Prepositions & How to Use Be.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]



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