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Health Vocabulary in French

In this lesson, we will explore French vocabulary related to health (la santé) and wellness (le bien-être). We will learn words and phrases that are commonly used in medical and healthcare contexts, as well as some general vocabulary related to health and well-being. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to talk about health-related topics in French with greater confidence.

I. General Vocabulary Related to Health[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some general vocabulary related to health:

  1. la santé - health
  2. être en bonne santé - to be in good health
  3. être en mauvaise santé - to be in poor health
  4. se sentir bien - to feel good
  5. se sentir mal - to feel bad
  6. tomber malade - to fall ill
  7. guérir - to heal, to recover
  8. la guérison - recovery
  9. le bien-être - well-being
  10. sain(e) - healthy
  11. malsain(e) - unhealthy

II. Parts of the Body[edit | edit source]

To talk about health, it's important to know the names of different parts of the body:

  1. la tête - head
  2. les yeux - eyes
  3. les oreilles - ears
  4. le nez - nose
  5. la bouche - mouth
  6. les dents - teeth
  7. la gorge - throat
  8. le cœur - heart
  9. les poumons - lungs
  10. l'estomac - stomach
  11. le dos - back
  12. les bras - arms
  13. les jambes - legs

III. Common Symptoms and Ailments[edit | edit source]

Next, let's learn some common symptoms and ailments:

  1. la fièvre - fever
  2. la toux - cough
  3. le rhume - cold
  4. la grippe - flu
  5. la douleur - pain
  6. le mal de tête - headache
  7. le mal de ventre - stomachache
  8. le mal de dos - backache
  9. la nausée - nausea
  10. les frissons - chills
  11. la fatigue - fatigue, tiredness
  12. l'allergie - allergy

IV. Medical Professions and Places[edit | edit source]

It's also important to know the names of medical professions and places where you might seek medical care:

  1. le médecin - doctor
  2. l'infirmier/l'infirmière - nurse
  3. le dentiste - dentist
  4. le pharmacien/la pharmacienne - pharmacist
  5. l'hôpital - hospital
  6. la clinique - clinic
  7. la pharmacie - pharmacy

V. Useful Phrases for Medical Situations[edit | edit source]

Finally, let's learn some useful phrases that you might use in medical situations:

  1. J'ai mal à... - I have a pain in...
  2. Je me sens faible. - I feel weak.
  3. Je suis allergique à... - I am allergic to...
  4. J'ai de la fièvre. - I have a fever.
  5. Je tousse beaucoup. - I cough a lot.
  6. Je voudrais prendre un rendez-vous. - I would like to make an appointment.
  7. Quel est le problème? - What is the problem?
  8. Où avez-vous mal? - Where does it hurt?
  9. Avez-vous des médicaments à prendre? - Do you have any medication to take?
  10. Prenez ces médicaments deux fois par jour. - Take this medication twice a day.

More vocabulary[edit | edit source]

EMERGENCY[edit | edit source]


I am ill Je suis malade
I need a doctor J'ai besoin d'un médecin
It hurts here ça fait mal là
It is urgent C'est urgent
the hospital l'hôpital
ambulance ambulance

SYMPTOMS[edit | edit source]


to be bleeding saigner
to be dizzy avoir la tête qui tourne
to have a stomach ache avoir mal à l'estomac
to be vomiting vomir
to feel weak se sentir affaibli
to be constipated être constipé
to have diarrhoea avoir la diarrhée
to have a sprain avoir une entorse
to have a fever avoir de la fièvre
to have a sore throat avoir mal à la gorge
to cough tousser

SPECIALISTS[edit | edit source]


General Practitioner le médecin généraliste
the dentist le dentist
the optician l'opticien
the gynecologist le gynécologue
the cardiologist le cardiologue
the physiotherapist le-la kinésithérapeute

PRODUCTS[edit | edit source]


aspirin de l'aspirine
a tablet un comprimé
syrup du sirop
suppository suppositoire
a toothbrush une brosse à dents
toothpaste du dentifrice
soap du savon
shampoo du shampooing
antiseptic cream une crème antiseptique
tissues des mouchoirs en papier
bandages des pansements

Exercises[edit | edit source]

To reinforce your learning, here are a few exercises you can try:

Exercise 1:[edit | edit source]

Fill in the Blanks Complete the following sentences with the appropriate French vocabulary related to health:

  1. Quand on a de la ________, on a une température corporelle élevée.
  2. Le ________ est un professionnel de la santé qui s'occupe des dents.
  3. Si vous avez une réaction allergique, il est important de savoir à quoi vous êtes ________.
  4. Les ________ sont les organes responsables de la respiration.
  5. Si vous avez mal à la tête, vous avez un ________.

Exercise 2:[edit | edit source]

Translation Translate the following sentences from English to French:

  1. I have a sore throat and a cough.
  2. She feels nauseous and has a stomachache.
  3. He went to the hospital because of chest pain.
  4. The nurse gave me some medication for my fever.
  5. The doctor said that I need to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Exercise 3:[edit | edit source]

Conversation Practice Imagine that you are visiting a doctor in a French-speaking country. Practice a conversation in which you describe your symptoms to the doctor and ask for advice. You can use the vocabulary and phrases from this lesson to help you.

Answers to Exercise 1:

  1. fièvre
  2. dentiste
  3. allergique
  4. poumons
  5. mal de tête

Answers to Exercise 2:

  1. J'ai mal à la gorge et je tousse.
  2. Elle a des nausées et mal au ventre.
  3. Il est allé à l'hôpital à cause de douleurs thoraciques.
  4. L'infirmière m'a donné des médicaments pour ma fièvre.
  5. Le médecin a dit que je dois me reposer et boire beaucoup de liquides.

Note: These translations may vary slightly based on context and individual language preferences. The answers provided here are one possible way to translate the sentences.

We hope you found this lesson helpful! Remember to continue practicing and expanding your vocabulary to become more proficient in French. À bientôt! (See you soon!)

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Vincent, Maintenance script, Marianth and Madjidben

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