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đŸ‡«đŸ‡· How to Express Surprise in French đŸ˜Č
How to express Surprise in French PolyglotClub Wiki2.jpg

Bonjour French learners! In this lesson, you will learn how the French like to express their feelings of SURPRISE & astonishment. 😼

When something unusual happens, the French have their own casual and fun expressions. Enjoy your learning journey! 😊

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Most common expressions

NB : these expressions always end with an exclamation mark.

Oh la la ! / Oh lĂ  lĂ  ! / Oh !

  • Meaning: Oh my God! / Oh dear! / Wow!

It is an interjection which expresses surprise / amazement.

Examples of use:

  • Oh la la ! il est dĂ©jĂ  20h30, je vais rater mon train !

Oh dear ! It's already 8:30 pm, I'll miss my train!

  • Oh la la ! mais qu'est-ce qui t'es arrivĂ© ?

Oh dear ! But what happened to you?

  • Oh la la ! qu'est-ce qu'il fait chaud ici !

Oh dear ! It's so hot here!

Ça alors !

  • Meaning: My goodness!, good grief!

This exclamation can express a whole range of reactions, from delight to surprise or indignation. 

  • Examples:

Ça alors ! Je n'aurais jamais imaginĂ© cela !

My goodness! I'd never have imagined that.

Whaou !

  • Meaning: Wow!
  • Example: Whaou ! Tu as vu ce qu'il est capable de faire ?

Wow, have you seen what he can do?

C'est pas possible ! / C'est pas vrai ! / C'est pas croyable !

  • Meaning: I can't believe it! / No way!

The standard (full) form reads: "CE N'est pas possible/vrai" but in oral discourse the "N'/NE" negation particle is often omitted.

Je n'y crois pas ! / J'y crois pas

  • Meaning: I can't believe it!

Note : "J'y crois pas" is more informal than "Je n'y crois pas".

  • Example: Je n'y crois pas, elle a osĂ©!

I can't believe this, she dared to do that!

C'est magnifique !

  • Meaning: Awesome!
  • Example: Je rentre de l'exposition: C'est vraiment magnifique !

I come back from the exhibition: It's really beautiful/awesome!

GĂ©nial !

  • Meaning: Great!

This adjective which means super, great, something which is deemed brilliant and/or fantastic.

Impressionnant !

  • Meaning: That's stunning/impressive!
  • Example: Wahou ! C'est impressionnant, trĂšs beau travail !

Incroyable !

  • Meaning: Incredible/I can't believe it!
  • Example: Incroyable, il l'a fait !

How incredible/I can't believe it, he did it!

Mon Dieu !

  • Meaning: Oh my God!

It's similar to the English locution "OH MY GOD" or "oh my gosh".

  • Example: Mon dieu, ce n'est pas possible !

Oh my God, it's not possible!

Quel malheur !

  • Meaning: What a disgrace!
  • Example: Tu as vu l'article dans le journal? Quel malheur !

Did you see the article in the newspaper? What a disgrace!

Comme c’est beau !

  • Meaning: How beautiful! / it's beautiful
  • Example: Tu as vu ce qu'ils ont fait? Comme c'est beau !

Did you see what they did? It's beautiful!

Quel travail !

  • Meaning: What work!
  • Example: Quel travail ! Il a nettoyĂ© toute la maison

Good job! He has cleaned the whole house

Quelle chance !

  • Meaning: What luck!
  • Example: Quelle chance ! tu as dĂ©crochĂ© le poste.

How lucky you are! You got the job.

Quoi ?

  • Meaning: What? / Say what?
  • Example: Quoi ? Il a fait ça?

What? He did that?

N'importe quoi !

  • Meaning: "Nonsense!" (US) / "BS" / "Rubbish!" (UK)
  • Example: Il a osĂ© faire ça ? N'importe quoi !

He dared to do that? Nonsense!

Je (n’)en crois pas mes yeux !

  • Meaning: I can’t believe my eyes!

Trop bien !

  • Meaning: Awesome!

Oh la vache !

  • Meaning: holy cow, Wow, Good heavens!

Use "oh la vache!", or simply "la vache!", to express surprise or admiration.

Mince alors ! / zut alors !

  • Meaning: Ah, heck!

Surprise with a certain degree of disappointment.

Je reste sans voix / Je reste bouche bée

  • Literally: I remain speechless

ça m'étonne / ça me surprend

  • Literally: that amazes me

Ah bon ? / Vraiment ? / Tiens ?

  • Meaning: really?


  • Often followed by: "C'est pas possible !

C'est un truc de fou ! / C'est un truc de ouf !

  • Meaning: it's crazy!

Je (n')en reviens pas !

  • Meaning: I can't believe it !

Slang Expressions (warning: offensive language!)

Putain !

  • Meaning: fuck!

Among young French people, "putain" is a common interjection which is rarely expressed to harm someone. Its nearest equivalent in English is probably “Fuck!” / "For fuck's sake".

It is usually used as an interjection or an adjective to express anger, but it can also be used to convey surprise (positively or negatively) :

  • Example: Wahou ! c'est un putain d’artiste !

He is some fucking artist!

  • Example: Putain ! arrĂȘte tes conneries !

Cut the crap/bullshit, for fuck's sake!

Merde !

  • Meaning: shit!

It has the same meaning as "Putain !".

A combination of the two words are often used as in "Putain, merde !" or "Putain de merde".

  • Example: Putain, merde ! C'est pas possible.

Fuck! I can't believe it!


Watch these videos to review some of the expressions listed in the lesson:

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