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CroatianGrammar0 to A1 Course → Croatian Language Proficiency → Croatian Syntax and Style

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Croatian Syntax and Style! In this lesson, we will dive into the intricacies of Croatian grammar and learn how to write and speak in a grammatically correct and stylistically appropriate manner. Understanding syntax and style is essential for effective communication in any language, and Croatian is no exception. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid foundation in Croatian syntax and style, allowing you to express yourself fluently and accurately.

The lesson will be divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of Croatian syntax and style. We will start by discussing the basic sentence structure in Croatian and the importance of word order. Then, we will explore the use of articles, adjectives, and adverbs, and how they contribute to the overall style of a sentence. Next, we will delve into the complexities of verb conjugation and the different tenses and moods in Croatian. Finally, we will touch upon the use of conjunctions and sentence connectors to create cohesive and coherent texts.

Throughout the lesson, we will provide numerous examples and practice exercises to help you internalize the concepts and apply them in real-life situations. We will also explore any regional variations in the usage or understanding of syntax and style, and share interesting cultural facts or anecdotes that relate to the topic. So, let's get started and unlock the secrets of Croatian syntax and style!

Basic Sentence Structure[edit | edit source]

In Croatian, as in many other languages, the word order plays a crucial role in determining the meaning and emphasis of a sentence. The basic sentence structure in Croatian is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO), but it can be flexible depending on the context and the desired emphasis. Let's take a look at some examples:

  • Danijela čita knjigu. (Danijela reads a book.)
  • Knjigu čita Danijela. (A book reads Danijela.)
  • Čita Danijela knjigu. (Reads Danijela a book.)

As you can see, the meaning of the sentence remains the same, but the emphasis shifts depending on the word order. The default word order in Croatian is SVO, but you can rearrange the elements to emphasize a particular part of the sentence. This flexibility allows you to express yourself more creatively and effectively in Croatian.

Articles, Adjectives, and Adverbs[edit | edit source]

Articles, adjectives, and adverbs play a crucial role in Croatian syntax and style. They provide additional information about nouns and verbs, and contribute to the overall tone and style of a sentence. Let's take a look at some examples:

Articles[edit | edit source]

In Croatian, there are definite and indefinite articles, similar to English "the" and "a/an". The choice of article depends on the gender, number, and case of the noun. Here are some examples:

Croatian Pronunciation English
knjiga [knyee-ga] book
knjige [knyee-ge] books
stol [stol] table
stolovi [stolovi] tables

Adjectives[edit | edit source]

Adjectives in Croatian agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify. They can appear before or after the noun, depending on the desired emphasis. Here are some examples:

Croatian Pronunciation English
crvena knjiga [tsrve-na knyee-ga] red book
veliki stol [ve-lee-kee stol] big table
zelene oči [ze-le-ne o-chee] green eyes
pametni ljudi [pa-me-tni lyoo-dee] smart people

Adverbs[edit | edit source]

Adverbs in Croatian provide additional information about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They can modify the meaning of a sentence and contribute to its overall style. Here are some examples:

Croatian Pronunciation English
brzo trči [brzo tchr-chee] runs quickly
jako lijepo [ya-ko lee-yepo] very beautiful
vrlo lako [vhr-lo la-ko] very easy
polako govori [po-la-ko go-vo-ree] speaks slowly

Verb Conjugation and Tenses[edit | edit source]

Verbs in Croatian can be quite complex, with different conjugation patterns depending on the tense, mood, and person. Understanding verb conjugation is essential for expressing actions and events accurately in Croatian. Let's take a closer look at verb conjugation and the different tenses in Croatian:

Present Tense[edit | edit source]

The present tense in Croatian is used to describe actions or states that are happening at the moment of speaking. Here are some examples of verb conjugation in the present tense:

Croatian Pronunciation English
Ja čitam. [ya chee-tam] I read.
Ti čitaš. [tee chee-tash] You read.
On/Ona/Ono čita. [on/ona/ono chee-ta] He/She/It reads.
Mi čitamo. [mee chee-ta-mo] We read.
Vi čitate. [vee chee-ta-te] You read.
Oni/One/Ona čitaju. [o-nee/o-neh/o-na chee-ta-yoo] They read.

Past Tense[edit | edit source]

The past tense in Croatian is used to describe actions or events that have already happened in the past. Here are some examples of verb conjugation in the past tense:

Croatian Pronunciation English
Ja sam čitao/čitala. [ya sam chee-ta-o/chee-ta-la] I read.
Ti si čitao/čitala. [tee see chee-ta-o/chee-ta-la] You read.
On/Ona/Ono je čitao/čitala. [on/ona/ono ye chee-ta-o/chee-ta-la] He/She/It read.
Mi smo čitali/čitale. [mee smo chee-ta-lee/chee-ta-le] We read.
Vi ste čitali/čitale. [vee ste chee-ta-lee/chee-ta-le] You read.
Oni/One/Ona su čitali/čitale. [o-nee/o-neh/o-na soo chee-ta-lee/chee-ta-le] They read.

Future Tense[edit | edit source]

The future tense in Croatian is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. Here are some examples of verb conjugation in the future tense:

Croatian Pronunciation English
Ja ću čitati. [ya choo chee-ta-tee] I will read.
Ti ćeš čitati. [tee chesh chee-ta-tee] You will read.
On/Ona/Ono će čitati. [on/ona/ono tse chee-ta-tee] He/She/It will read.
Mi ćemo čitati. [mee tse-mo chee-ta-tee] We will read.
Vi ćete čitati. [vee tse-te chee-ta-tee] You will read.
Oni/One/Ona će čitati. [o-nee/o-neh/o-na tse chee-ta-tee] They will read.

Imperative Mood[edit | edit source]

The imperative mood in Croatian is used to give commands or instructions. Here are some examples of verb conjugation in the imperative mood:

Croatian Pronunciation English
Čitaj! [chee-tay] Read!
Čitajte! [chee-tay-te] Read!
Dođi! [do-jee] Come!
Dođite! [do-jee-te] Come!
Pjevaj! [pye-vay] Sing!
Pjevajte! [pye-vay-te] Sing!

Conjunctions and Sentence Connectors[edit | edit source]

Conjunctions and sentence connectors are essential for creating cohesive and coherent texts in Croatian. They link words, phrases, and clauses, and provide structure and logic to your sentences. Let's take a look at some commonly used conjunctions and sentence connectors in Croatian:

  • I - and
  • Ali - but
  • Međutim - however
  • Zato - therefore
  • Jer - because
  • Kako bi - in order to
  • Osim toga - besides that
  • Dakle - thus
  • Napokon - finally

By using these conjunctions and sentence connectors, you can create complex and meaningful sentences that convey your thoughts and ideas effectively.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Croatian syntax and style are deeply influenced by the rich cultural heritage of the country. The language reflects the history, traditions, and values of the Croatian people. For example, the flexible word order in Croatian allows for poetic expression and emphasizes the importance of intonation and rhythm in speech. Additionally, the use of articles, adjectives, and adverbs contributes to the overall style and tone of Croatian literature and poetry.

Croatian syntax and style also vary across different regions of Croatia. Dialects and regional variations can influence word order, vocabulary, and even pronunciation. For example, the Kajkavian dialect, spoken in northern Croatia, has its own unique syntax and style, with a tendency to use more archaic forms and expressions. The Dalmatian dialect, spoken in the coastal region, is known for its melodic and rhythmic speech patterns.

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to put your knowledge into practice with some exercises!

1. Rearrange the following words to form grammatically correct sentences in Croatian:

  • stol / veliki / je / Ovo.
  • svira / gitara / Marko / lijepo.
  • žuti / kuća / mala / je.


  • Ovo je veliki stol.
  • Marko lijepo svira gitara.
  • Mala kuća je žuti.

2. Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense:

  • čitati (to read)
  • pjevati (to sing)
  • raditi (to work)


  • Ja čitam, Ti čitaš, On/Ona/Ono čita, Mi čitamo, Vi čitate, Oni/One/Ona čitaju.
  • Ja pjevam, Ti pjevaš, On/Ona/Ono pjeva, Mi pjevamo, Vi pjevate, Oni/One/Ona pjevaju.
  • Ja radim, Ti radiš, On/Ona/Ono radi, Mi radimo, Vi radite, Oni/One/Ona rade.

3. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conjunction or sentence connector:

  • Htio bih kupiti novi auto, _____ nemam dovoljno novca.
  • _____ je bilo kiše, odlučili smo ostati kod kuće.
  • _____ ne znaš, ona je vrlo talentirana pjevačica.
  • Svi su otišli na putovanje, _____ ostao sam kod kuće.


  • Htio bih kupiti novi auto, ali nemam dovoljno novca.
  • Međutim je bilo kiše, odlučili smo ostati kod kuće.
  • Jer ne znaš, ona je vrlo talentirana pjevačica.
  • Svi su otišli na putovanje, dakle ostao sam kod kuće.

Congratulations! You have completed the practice exercises. Well done!

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored the fascinating world of Croatian syntax and style. We have learned about the importance of word order in determining the meaning and emphasis of a sentence. We have also delved into the role of articles, adjectives, and adverbs in creating a stylistically appropriate sentence. Furthermore, we have examined verb conjugation and the different tenses in Croatian. Finally, we have discussed the use of conjunctions and sentence connectors to create cohesive and coherent texts.

Remember, mastering Croatian syntax and style takes time and practice. Keep exploring the intricacies of the language, read Croatian literature, and engage in conversation with native speakers. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the more natural and fluent your Croatian will become. Good luck on your language learning journey, and enjoy the beauty of Croatian syntax and style!

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