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Bashkir Vocabulary - Feelings and Emotions

Hi Bashkir learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to express feelings and emotions in Bashkir. Being able to communicate how you feel is important in any language, and Bashkir is no exception. Knowing how to express your emotions will help you to build better relationships and connect with others.

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Food (ризык rizyk) & Education.

Basic Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic vocabulary to express feelings and emotions in Bashkir. Remember that you can always check the Vocabulary section to learn more words!

Bashkir Pronunciation English Translation
Минең сезен mineŋ sezɛn I feel
сезендер sezɛndɛr feelings
рәхим rähim happy
каяһы kajahɯ sad
ассыз assɯz angry
ҡилған qilɣan surprised
ие ie fear
сиңәү siŋäw embarrassment

Examples in Context[edit | edit source]

It's important to see the words in context to understand how to use them correctly. Here's an example dialogue:

  • Person 1: Минең рәхим килә? (Mineŋ rähim kilä?) (Are you happy?)
  • Person 2: Әйе, рәхим булырмын. (Äye, rähim bulırman.) (Yes, I'm happy.)
  • Person 1: Каяһы булдың? (Kajahɯ buldıŋ?) (Are you sad?)
  • Person 2: Иә, һәресе сугышым аша буларак каяһым бар. (Iä, härese suɣışım aşa bularaka kajahım bar.) (Yes, I'm sad because I had an argument with my friend.)
  • Person 1: Ассыз булдың? (Assyz buldıŋ?) (Are you angry?)
  • Person 2: Һәй, мен дайын булмыймын. (Häy, men dayın bulmıymın.) (Yes, I'm not ready.)

Interesting Facts[edit | edit source]

- Bashkir people have a strong tradition of hospitality. If you visit a Bashkir home, you will likely be offered food and drink, and treated with warmth and kindness. - Bashkir language has many loanwords from Arabic, Persia, and Russian. - Bashkir music is famous for its unique sound and instruments, such as the kurai, a flute made from reeds.

To improve your Bashkir Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Sources[edit | edit source]

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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