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Beverages in Chinese.png

Here is some useful drinks vocabulary in Chinese:

  • Water: 水 Shuĭ
  • Coca-Cola: 可口可乐 Kĕkǒu Kĕlè
  • Coffee: 咖啡 Kāfēi
  • Green Tea: 绿茶 Lǜ Chá
  • Black Tea: 红茶 Hóng Chá
  • Beer: 啤酒 Píjiǔ *
  • Rice Alcohol: 米酒 Mĭjiǔ *
  • Chinese brandy: 白酒 Báijiŭ *
  • Milk: 牛奶 Niúnǎi
  • Yogurt: 酸奶 Suānnăi
  • Fruit Juice: 果汁 Guǒ Zhī
  • Red Wine: 红酒 Hóng Jiǔ *

* When you see that the drink ends with "酒 jiǔ" it's an alcoholic drink.

When you've achieved a good understanding of this subject, you might enjoy venturing into these related lessons: 爱 ài, Introducing Each Other (Business ..., 国 guó & 料 liào material.

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