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CatalanVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Travel and Transportation → Modes of Transportation


In this lesson, we will focus on modes of transportation in the Catalan language. Transportation is a vital part of our daily lives, and knowing transportation-related vocabulary is an important step towards fluency in any language. Whether you're driving a car, taking public transportation, or biking to your destination, being able to discuss transportation options in Catalan will help you maneuver Catalonia with ease.

In this lesson, you will learn about various modes of transportation in Catalan, such as cars, buses, trains, and bicycles. You will also learn related vocabulary and phrases for discussing transportation in Catalan-speaking regions, including asking for directions, booking accommodations, and navigating public transportation. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to travel around Catalonia more confidently while speaking Catalan.

Means of Transportation


Cars are a widely used mode of transportation in Catalonia. Here is some vocabulary to help you talk about cars in Catalan:

Catalan Pronunciation English
cotxe ['kɔtʃə] car
accelerador [əksəɬəɾəˈðoɾ] accelerator
frens [fɾəns] brakes
volant [voˈɫant] steering wheel
benzinera [bənsiˈneɾə] gas station


Here are a few useful phrases for discussing cars and driving:

  • On és la benzinera més propera? - Where is the nearest gas station?
  • Com puc arribar a l'autopista? - How do I get to the highway?
  • El meu cotxe està avariat. - My car is broken down.
  • He hagut un accident. - I've had an accident.


Buses are a common form of public transportation in Catalonia. Here is some vocabulary to help you talk about buses in Catalan:

Catalan Pronunciation English
autobús [əw.tu.ˈβus] bus
parada d'autobús [pəˈɾaðə ðu.tu.ˈβus] bus stop
bitllet [biʎ.ˈɫɛt] ticket
horaris [u.ɾəˈɾis] schedule


Here are a few useful phrases for discussing buses:

  • On és la parada d'autobús? - Where is the bus stop?
  • Un bitllet per favor. - One ticket, please.
  • A quina hora arriba l'autobús? - What time does the bus arrive?


Trains are a popular means of long-distance transportation in Catalonia. Here is some vocabulary to help you talk about trains in Catalan:

Catalan Pronunciation English
tren [tɾen] train
estació de tren [əs.tə.siˈo ðə tɾen] train station
billet [biˈʎɛt] ticket
horari de trens [uˈɾaɾi ðə tɾens] train schedule


Here are a few useful phrases for discussing trains:

  • On és l'estació de tren? - Where is the train station?
  • Un billet per a ______, si us plau. - One ticket to ______, please.
  • A quina hora surt el tren? - What time does the train leave?


Bicycles are a common mode of transportation for short distances in Catalonia. Here is some vocabulary to help you talk about bicycles in Catalan:

Catalan Pronunciation English
bicicleta [ə.ˈtə] bicycle
cascs [kask] helmet
tubs de la bicicleta [tups ðə la βə.si.klə.ˈtə] bicycle tubes


Here are a few useful phrases for discussing bikes:

  • On puc llogar una bicicleta? - Where can I rent a bicycle?
  • Cal portar casc. - You should wear a helmet.
  • La meva bicicleta té un forat. - My bicycle has a flat tire.


In this lesson, you have learned about various modes of transportation in Catalonia such as cars, buses, trains, and bicycles. You have also learned related vocabulary and phrases for discussing transportation in Catalan-speaking regions, which will make your travels more comfortable and convenient. With this newly acquired knowledge, you are better equipped to handle any transportation related situation in Catalonia.

Table of Contents - Catalan Course - 0 to A1

Introduction to Catalan

Greetings and Introductions

Articles and Nouns

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Travel and Transportation

Catalan Culture

Related Lessons




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