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Catalan Vocabulary - Health

Hi Catalan learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some useful words and expressions related to health in Catalan. We will also see some cultural aspects of health in Catalonia. So, let's get started!

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Feelings and Emotions & Greetings.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some of the most common words and expressions related to health:

Catalan Pronunciation English
malalt məˈlat sick
estar malalt əsˈta malalt to be sick
malaltia maləɫˈtiə illness
hospital ospitəl hospital
metge ˈmɛtʒə doctor
infermera infɛrˈmɛra nurse
medicina məsiˈninə medicine
pastilla pəsˈtijə pill
vendat bənˈdat bandage
ferida fəˈɾiðə wound
tancat tənˈkat closed or sealed
obert uˈβɛrt open

To use these words in context, let's create a dialogue between two people:

  • Person 1: Hola, com estàs? (Hi, how are you?)
  • Person 2: No estic bé, estic malalt. (I'm not well, I'm sick.)
  • Person 1: Què et passa? (What's wrong?)
  • Person 2: Tinc molta tos i mal de cap. (I have a bad cough and headache.)
  • Person 1: Hauries de veure un metge. (You should see a doctor.)

Health care in Catalonia[edit | edit source]

The health care system in Catalonia is well developed and accessible to everyone. Both public and private health care services are available, with the majority of the population using the public system. Spanish is the official language of the health care system, but Catalan is also spoken and understood by many health care professionals.

One interesting fact about health care in Catalonia is that there is a strong tradition of natural medicine. Many people use herbs, plants, and other natural remedies to treat common ailments. Naturopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy are also popular in Catalonia.

Cultural tips[edit | edit source]

When visiting a doctor's office or hospital in Catalonia, it is important to arrive on time for your appointment. If you are running late, it is polite to call and let the office know. Also, it is important to bring all necessary documentation, such as your insurance card or any referral letters.

Finally, it is important to take care of yourself when you are feeling sick. Resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and following your doctor's instructions will help you to recover quickly.

To improve your Catalan Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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