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Slovak Grammar → Unit 5: Cases and Prepositions → The Locative Case

As a Slovak language teacher for 20 years, I have seen many students struggle with the cases and prepositions. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the locative case in Slovak, including its different endings and when to use it. This is crucial to communicate effectively and speak Slovak like a native.

What is the Locative Case?

The locative case, or miestopisný pád in Slovak, is used to express location or position of a person, place, or thing. It answers the question "where?" and is used after prepositions that indicate location, such as v (in), na (on, at), pod (under), pred (in front of), za (behind), medzi (between), and so on.

In comparison with other cases, the locative case has a limited number of nouns that use it. It is only used with singular forms of masculine animate nouns and some inanimate nouns, as well as neuter nouns that end in -e. The ending of the locative form depends on the gender and inflection type of the noun.

How to Form the Locative Case

To form the locative case, you need to add a specific ending to the nominative singular form of the noun. Here are the different endings for each gender and inflection type:

Masculine Animate Nouns

For masculine animate nouns, add the ending -ovi/-evi after removing the -a/-e ending of the nominative singular. If the nominative singular ends in -i, add -ovi only.

Slovak Pronunciation English
chlapec (boy) /xlɑpets/ boy → chlapcovi (to the boy)
pes (dog) /pes/ dog → psovi (to the dog)
učiteľ (teacher) /uːtʃɪtɛľ/ teacher → učiteľovi (to the teacher)

Neuter Nouns

For neuter nouns that end in -e, add the ending -i after removing the -e ending of the nominative singular.

Slovak Pronunciation English
meno (name) /mɛno/ name → meni (to the name)
mesto (city) /mɛsto/ city → mestu (to the city)
poľnohospodárstvo (agriculture) /poʎnoɦospodarstvo/ agriculture → poľnohospodárstvu (to agriculture)

Other Inanimate Nouns

For other inanimate nouns, follow the same rules as the locative of masculine animate nouns. Add the ending -i or -ovi/-evi after removing the -a/-e ending of the nominative singular.

Slovak Pronunciation English
stôl (table) /stôl/ table → stole (to the table)
dom (house) /dom/ house → dome (to the house)
auto (car) /auto/ car → autu (to the car)

When to Use the Locative Case

As mentioned earlier, you use the locative case to indicate location or position of a person, place, or thing. Here are some example sentences:

  • Idem do kina. (I am going to the cinema.)
  • Dievča sedí na lavici. (The girl is sitting on the bench.)
  • Kniha leží pod stolom. (The book is lying under the table.)

Here are some common prepositions that take the locative case:

  • v (in)
  • na (on, at)
  • pod (under)
  • nad (above)
  • pred (in front of)
  • za (behind)
  • k (towards)

Remember that not all prepositions indicate location and therefore do not require the locative case. For instance, when indicating movement, you use the accusative case instead.

Practice Exercises

To practice what you have learned, try these exercises:

  • Translate the following sentences into Slovak, using the locative case when appropriate:
  1. The cat is on the chair.
  2. I am going to the store.
  3. The book is in the bag.
  4. The boy is behind the door.
  5. The picture is above the bed.
  • Choose the correct form of the noun in the locative case:
  1. Idem do (kino, kinu).
  2. Sedím na (stol, stole).
  3. Auto stojí (pod, pode) stromom.
  4. Hovorím s (kamarát, kamarátom).
  5. V lete chodievam na (pláž, pláže).

Tips and Tricks

Learning cases and prepositions can be challenging, but here are some tips and tricks to make it easier:

  • Pay attention to the gender and inflection type of the noun. This will determine the ending of the locative case.
  • Memorize the prepositions that indicate location and practice using them with the locative case.
  • Use flashcards to practice the noun declensions and prepositions.
  • Practice speaking and writing with native speakers or a language partner.

With practice and perseverance, you will become more proficient in Slovak grammar and confidently use the locative case.

Table of Contents - Slovak Course - 0 to A1

Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions

Unit 2: Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs in the Present Tense

Unit 3: Slovak Culture and Society

Unit 4: Daily Activities and Routine

Unit 5: Cases and Prepositions

Unit 6: Slovak Geography and Nature

Unit 7: Travel and Transportation

Unit 8: Adjectives and Adverbs

Unit 9: Slovak Art and Music

Unit 10: Time and Dates

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