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Javanese - Days of the Week

In today's lesson, we will learn the days of the week in Javanese.

Days of the Week in Javanese

The following table shows the days of the week in Javanese and their translation in English.

Word in Javanese IPA pronunciation Translation in English
Minggu mɪŋɡu Sunday
Senen sɛnɛn Monday
Selasa səlasɑ Tuesday
Rebo rɛbɔ Wednesday
Kemis kɛmis Thursday
Jemuwah jəmuwɑh Friday
Setu sətu Saturday


Let's practice the days of the week in Javanese with a dialogue.

  • Minggu apa hari ini?

What day is it today?

  • Ini hari Senen.

It's Monday.

  • Besok hari apa?

What day is tomorrow?

  • Besok hari Selasa.

Tomorrow is Tuesday.

  • Kemudian hari Rabu?

And then Wednesday?

  • Ya, hari Rabu adalah Rebo.

Yes, Wednesday is Rebo.

  • Hari Kamis?


  • Ya, hari Kamis adalah Kemis.

Yes, Thursday is Kemis.

  • Hari Jumat?


  • Ya, hari Jumat adalah Jemuwah.

Yes, Friday is Jemuwah.

  • Terakhir, hari Sabtu?

And last, Saturday?

  • Ya, hari Sabtu adalah Setu.

Yes, Saturday is Setu.

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