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Gujarati Vocabulary - Count to 10

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Main Words

Gujarati Pronunciation English
એક ek one
બે two
ત્રણ tran three
ચાર chār four
પાંચ pā̃ch five
છગ chhag six
સાત sāt seven
આઠ āṭh eight
નવ nav nine
દસ das ten

Useful Phrases

  • માત્ર એક (mātr ek) – Only one
  • દુજના ત્રણ (dujanā tran) – Two of them
  • ત્રણ ચાર (tran chār) – Three four
  • ચાર પાંચ (chār pā̃ch) – Four five
  • પાંચ છગ (pā̃ch chhag) – Five six
  • છગ સાત (chhag sāt) – Six seven
  • સાત આઠ (sāt āṭh) – Seven eight
  • આઠ નવ (āṭh nav) – Eight nine
  • નવ દસ (nav das) – Nine ten


  • What is the Gujarati word for "one"?
  • What does the phrase "દુજના ત્રણ" mean in English?
  • What is the Gujarati word for "five"?


  • એક
  • Two of them
  • પાંચ

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Maintenance script and Vincent

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