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Wiki Lessons - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some warm-hearted people may be willing to share their knowledge, but they have encountered problems or have some questions.

Here anyone can ask any questions related to this topic, and answer them.

May I copy contents from other sites?

You can search for the information on the internet but do not copy and paste exactly the same content as Google search engine can penalize your article and even the entire website. It means it will not be visible on search engines. Duplicate content will have to be deleted. Besides, sometimes content is protected by copyright.

Also, if you were inspired by another webpage please write the page link in the "References" section at the bottom.

What should be the minimum quality of a lesson?

When you write a language lesson, you will receive points.

To receive those points, here are the minimum quality requirements:

What if I don't have enough time to create a whole lesson?

You can create an incomplete lesson. Other people will complete it.

Also, you can contribute to an existing lesson by adding content, correcting errors, and so on.

How can I add an image?


How can I add a sound file?


How can I create a table?


How can I transpose a table?

Regretfully, this function can't be found here. You can rely on some other programs to do so.

How can I change the text format?

You can change the font or its size by inputting CSS code in the source.

This is an example with YOUR CONTENT in size 20px, font Times, weight bold and colour red.

Use the following code (with the Edit Source tab on the top right of the page):

<span style="font-size:20px;font-family: Times;font-weight:bold;color: red">YOUR CONTENT</span>

How can I translate a lesson into another language?

You have created a lesson and you feel that this lesson is completed and there will not be many changes in the future.

How can I contribute to a language which I totally don't know?

You can use translators freely. There may be errors, but other people will correct them. If you are not sure which meaning a word means in a specific situation, you can enter the word in your known language at Wikipedia, and view the page in that language. Vice versa.

It's precious if those languages relatively not popular are contributed too.


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