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Welsh Vocabulary - Feelings and Emotions

Hi Welsh learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on Welsh vocabulary related to feelings and emotions. Emotions are an inherent part of our lives, and they are an essential aspect of human interaction. We use a range of words to communicate how we are feeling, and these words vary depending on the situation and intensity of our emotions. So, to help you improve your language skills, we have compiled a list of Welsh words that you can use to express your feelings in Welsh.

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Love & Express Surprise.

Basic Emotions[edit | edit source]

Let us start with the most basic emotions which we all experience.

Welsh Pronunciation English
Hapus hah-piss Happy
Galarus gal-ah-riss Sad
Cyffrous kuh-froi-ss Excited
Ofnus ov-niss Fearful
Hiraethus hee-ryeth-iss Homesick
Prysur prih-sir Busy
Sâl sahl Ill
Ysbrydoli us-brih-doll-ee Inspired


  • Person 1: Dwi'n hapus! (I am happy!)
  • Person 2: Beth sy'n eich gwneud chi'n hapus? (What's making you happy?)
  • Person 1: Dwi'n mynd ar wyliau nesa wythnos. (I am going on holiday next week.)
  • Person 1: Dw i'n teimlo'n ofnus. (I am feeling scared.)
  • Person 2: Pam? (Why?)
  • Person 1: Dw i'n mynd i'r deintydd am y tro cyntaf ers pum mlynedd. (I am going to the dentist for the first time in five years.)

Complex Emotions[edit | edit source]

Human beings experience a range of complex emotions that can be difficult to articulate. However, Welsh has some avant-garde words that express even the most intricate emotions!

Welsh Pronunciation English
Creadigol kray-ah-dee-goll Creative
Heddychlon heh-dih-chlon Peaceful
Teimladwy taym-lad-wee Emotional
Cariadus kar-ee-ad-iss Loving
Awyddus ah-wid-diss Desirous
Hyderus huh-deh-riss Confident
Hufnag heev-nag Moody
Diangen dee-ang-en Bored
Cyfrinachol kuh-vrin-ah-choll Mysterious


  • Person 1: Dw i'n heddychlon heddiw. (I am feeling peaceful today.)
  • Person 2: Pam? (Why?)
  • Person 1: Dw i newydd orffen sesiwn yoga. (I just finished a yoga session.)
  • Person 1: Dw i'n awyddus am fwy o wybodaeth. (I am desirous of more information.)
  • Person 2: Am beth? (About what?)
  • Person 1: Y mater yma ynglyn â datblygiadau diweddar ym maes economaidd y wlad. (The issue regarding recent economic developments in the country.)

Phrases of Encouragement[edit | edit source]

Sometimes it can be helpful to encourage someone and lift their spirits. Here are some positive and encouraging phrases:

Welsh Pronunciation English
Mae'n mynd i fod yn iawn. my-en moid ee-vod een yow-wn It's going to be okay.
Fydd popeth yn iawn. fith po-peth een yow-wn Everything will be fine.
Rho yn y gorau. row uhn uh gor-eye Do your best.
Mae'r byd ar dy wallt ti. my-ir buhd ar duh wal-t tee The world is your oyster.
Dewis hardd ydy dy gobaith. die-wiss harth uhd-ee duh gob-iyth Choose your hope beautifully.


  • Person 1: Dw i'n teimlo'n ddiangen heddiw. (I am feeling bored today.)
  • Person 2: Beth am wneud rhywbeth gwahanol? (How about doing something different?)
  • Person 1: Mae'n syniad da. Diolch am syniadau. (That's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestions.)
  • Person 1: Dwi ddim yn hyderus ynglŷn â'r sgwrs honno. (I am not confident about that conversation.)
  • Person 2: Mae pobl wedi ei brofi o'r blaen. Mae'n ymwneud â'i berthynas a sut y maen nhw'n ymateb. Bydd y pethau'n well yn y pen draw. (People have experienced it before. It's about their relationship and how they respond. Things will be better in the end.)

Some Fun Facts[edit | edit source]

- "Llawenydd" is the Welsh word for happiness, and it comes from the word "llawen," meaning joyful or content. Today, you often hear "Llawen yw'r perchnogaeth" (Merry is the ownership) in Welsh instead of the more conventional "Llongyfarchiadau" (Congratulations). - The Welsh have a unique concept of "Hiraeth," which is difficult to define but is often used to describe a deep longing for Wales and Welsh culture. - Wales has approximately 3 million speakers of its language, and Welsh was recognised as an official language in Wales in 1993. - The word "cwtch" (pronounced kutch) has no direct English translation, but it means a hug, warmth and a sense of belonging.

To improve your Welsh vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Sources[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Cywioci - Teimladau (Welsh Emotions and Feelings song) - YouTube[edit | edit source]

How To Talk About Your Feelings In Welsh (South Wales) - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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