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SlovenianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Hobbies and leisure activities

Introduction: Welcome to the lesson "Slovenian Vocabulary → Hobbies and leisure activities"! In this lesson, we will explore the vocabulary related to leisure and sports activities in Slovenian. Hobbies and leisure activities are an important part of our lives, as they provide us with relaxation, enjoyment, and a way to express our creativity. By learning the Slovenian vocabulary for hobbies and leisure activities, you will be able to communicate about your interests and engage in conversations with native Slovenian speakers. So let's dive in and expand our Slovenian vocabulary together!

Sports and Outdoor Activities[edit | edit source]

One of the most popular hobbies and leisure activities is sports and outdoor activities. Slovenians are known for their love of sports, and the country offers a wide range of outdoor activities due to its diverse geography. Whether it's hiking in the Julian Alps, skiing in the winter, or playing a game of basketball with friends, there is something for everyone. Let's learn some Slovenian vocabulary related to sports and outdoor activities:

Sports Equipment[edit | edit source]

To engage in sports and outdoor activities, it's essential to have the right equipment. Here are some common sports equipment and their Slovenian translations:

Slovenian Pronunciation English Translation
žoga zhoh-gah ball
teniški lopar teh-neesh-kee loh-pahr tennis racket
smuči smoo-chee skis
kolo koh-loh bicycle
rolerji roh-lehr-yee roller skates
plavalna očala plah-vahl-nah oh-chah-lah swimming goggles
fitnes žoga feet-ness zhoh-gah fitness ball

Popular Sports and Outdoor Activities[edit | edit source]

Slovenians enjoy a variety of sports and outdoor activities. Here are some popular ones along with their Slovenian translations:

  • Pohodništvo (poh-hohd-neesh-tvoh) - Hiking
  • Smučanje (smoo-chahn-yeh) - Skiing
  • Kolesarjenje (koh-leh-sahr-yeh-nyeh) - Cycling
  • Plavanje (plah-vahn-yeh) - Swimming
  • Nogomet (noh-goh-met) - Football
  • Košarka (koh-shahr-kah) - Basketball
  • Odbojka (ohd-boy-kah) - Volleyball
  • Tenis (teh-nees) - Tennis
  • Rokomet (roh-koh-met) - Handball
  • Jahanje (yah-hahn-yeh) - Horseback riding

Leisure and Recreational Activities[edit | edit source]

Apart from sports, leisure and recreational activities also play a significant role in our free time. These activities provide relaxation and entertainment. Let's learn some Slovenian vocabulary related to leisure and recreational activities:

Pastimes[edit | edit source]

Pastimes are activities that we engage in for enjoyment and entertainment. Here are some common pastimes and their Slovenian translations:

  • Branje (brahn-yeh) - Reading
  • Poslušanje glasbe (poh-sloo-shahn-yeh glah-sbeh) - Listening to music
  • Gledanje filmov (gleh-dahn-yeh fee-lmohv) - Watching movies
  • Igranje videoiger (ee-grahn-yeh vee-dee-oh-ee-gehr) - Playing video games
  • Kuhanje (koo-hahn-yeh) - Cooking
  • Slikanje (slee-kahn-yeh) - Painting
  • Pisanje dnevnika (pee-sahn-yeh dnehv-nee-kah) - Writing a diary
  • Fotografiranje (foh-toh-grah-fee-rah-nyeh) - Photography
  • Zbiranje znamk (zbeeh-rah-nyeh znahmk) - Stamp collecting
  • Vrtnarjenje (vrt-nahr-yeh-nyeh) - Gardening

Entertainment[edit | edit source]

Entertainment activities are a great way to relax and have fun. Here are some popular entertainment activities and their Slovenian translations:

  • Ogled gledališke predstave (oh-gled gleh-dah-leesh-keh prehds-tah-veh) - Watching a theater performance
  • Obisk koncerta (oh-beesk koh-nehrt-ah) - Attending a concert
  • Igranje družabnih iger (ee-grahn-yeh droo-zhahb-neeh ee-gehr) - Playing board games
  • Obisk muzeja (oh-beesk moo-zeh-yah) - Visiting a museum
  • Sprehod po parku (spreh-hohd poh pahr-koo) - Taking a walk in the park
  • Obisk kina (oh-beesk kee-nah) - Going to the cinema
  • Izlet v naravo (eez-leht f nah-rah-voh) - Going on a nature trip
  • Udeležba na prireditvi (oo-deh-lezh-bah nah pree-ree-deet-vee) - Participating in an event
  • Branje stripov (brahn-yeh stree-pov) - Reading comics
  • Poslušanje podcastov (poh-sloo-shahn-yeh pohd-kah-stov) - Listening to podcasts

Cultural Insight[edit | edit source]

Slovenia, with its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, offers a wide range of leisure activities for both locals and tourists. The country's close proximity to the Alps makes it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Slovenians take pride in their natural surroundings and actively engage in activities such as hiking, skiing, and cycling to explore the beauty of their homeland. The country is also known for its love of traditional dances, with various folk dance groups performing at festivals and events throughout the year. Slovenians also have a strong appreciation for the arts, with numerous art galleries, theaters, and music venues showcasing the talents of local artists. Leisure and recreational activities in Slovenia reflect the country's vibrant culture and the importance of enjoying life to the fullest.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now, let's practice what we have learned!

Exercise 1: Match the Slovenian words with their English translations.

Slovenian English Translation
pohodništvo a. Cycling
smučanje b. Reading
kolesarjenje c. Hiking
branje d. Horseback riding
jahanje e. Skiing
kuhanje f. Cooking
slikanje g. Painting
fotografiranje h. Swimming
plavanje i. Photography
pisanje dnevnika j. Writing a diary

Exercise 1 Solution: a. c b. e c. a d. h e. b f. g g. f h. i i. j j. d

Exercise 2: Choose the correct Slovenian translation for the given English phrases. 1. Watching movies a. Branje b. Gledanje filmov c. Poslušanje glasbe d. Kuhanje

2. Playing video games a. Igranje videoiger b. Pisanje dnevnika c. Slikanje d. Vrtnarjenje

Exercise 2 Solution: 1. b 2. a

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have expanded your Slovenian vocabulary related to hobbies and leisure activities. By learning these words and phrases, you will be able to discuss your interests and engage in conversations about sports, outdoor activities, pastimes, and entertainment. Remember to practice using these words in your everyday life to reinforce your learning. Keep up the great work, and soon you will be able to fluently communicate about your favorite hobbies and leisure activities in Slovenian!

Table of Contents - Slovenian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Pronouns

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Drink

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Hobbies and Free Time

Slovenian Customs and Traditions

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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