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Kabyle Vocabulary - Education

Hi Kabyle learners! ๐Ÿ˜Š
In this lesson, we will learn vocabulary related to education in Kabyle. Education is one of the pillars of development and progress. Having a good education is essential for a prosperous life. Learning Kabyle will definitely enrich your education and give you an insight into the language and culture of the Kabyle people. Let's get started!

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Family & Common greetings.

School subjects[edit | edit source]

When we talk about education, one of the first things that come to mind is school subjects. Let's look at some of the most common school subjects in Kabyle:

Kabyle Pronunciation English
โต”โต‰โตŽโต‰ rimyi Math
โต•โดฐโตœ rat Science
โต‰โต™โต”โดฐโตก โตœโตœโดฐโต™โดฐโตโตœ israw ttasannt Social studies
โต•โดฐโต€โดณโต‰ rahgi History
โตœโตœโดฐโต™โดฐโตโตœ ttasannt Geography
โดฐโตŸโดฐโตโตโต‰โตœ atalnitt Literature
โต™โดฝโต“โตโตœ skunt Art
โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโตœ ttamtalit Languages


  • Teacher: โดฐโต”โดฐโตœโดฐ โตโดปโตโดฐโต”โดฑโดปโตœ, โต‰โดทโต”โดฐโตขโตœโตœโดฐ โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโต‰โตœ? (Arata l-elarbet, idraytt-a ttamtalit?) / Good morning class, what language do you speak?
  • Student 1: โตœโดฐโดทโดปโตโดปโตœ โตœโดฐโต‡โดฑโต‰โตขโตโดปโตœ. (Tadelet taqbilyet) / We speak Kabyle
  • Teacher: โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโต‰โตœ โต‰โตŽโต‰โต” โตŽโดฐ โตŽโดฐโตŽโตœ โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโตœ? (Ttamtalit imir ma mamt ttamtalit?) / How many languages do you speak?
  • Student 2: โตŽโดฐโตŽโตœ, โต‰โตฃโตฃโต‰ โตŽโดฐโตŽโตœ. (Mamt, izzi mamt) / Two, my mother tongue and French.

School materials[edit | edit source]

In order to study, we need some materials. Here are some commonly used school materials:

Kabyle Pronunciation English
โดฐโตฃโดณโดณโดฐโตกโตœ azggawt Book
โตœโต‰โตโตฃโดณโดฐโตกโตœ tinzggawt Notebook
โต–โดฐโดทโดฐโต ghadhal Pencil
โต‰โตฃโต”โดฐโตœ izrat Pen
โตœโต‰โตขโตโตŽโตœ โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโตœ tiynmatt ttamtalit Dictionary


  • Teacher: โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโต‰โตœ โตœโตœโดฐโตฃโดณโดณโดฐโตกโตœ โดฐโต™โดปโดฝโดฐ โต‡โดฐโต™ โดฑโต•โดปโต”โดฝ โต‰โตโต‰โตขโตขโดฐโตกโตœ? (Ttamtalit tazggawt aseka qaserk iniyawat?) / What book do you need for the English lesson?
  • Student 3: โตœโต‰โตโตฃโดณโดฐโตกโตœ โต€โดปโต™โดฐโดฝโดฐ. (Tinzggawt hesaka) / A notebook please.

School activities[edit | edit source]

Learning is not just about studying. It also involves some activities that make the learning process more fun and interesting. Here are some related words:

Kabyle Pronunciation English
โดผโดฐโดทโดฐโต™ fadas Exercise
โดฐโดทโดปโตœโดฐโต โตโดปโตŽโดฝโต” adetal l-emker Homework
โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโตœโต“โตŽ ttamtaltilum Language laboratory


  • Teacher: โดฐโต–โดฐโตฃ โดฐโตŽโต‰โต™, โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโตœโต“โตŽ โต„โดฐโตขโตโต“โต โต‰โตโต‰ โดฐโดทโดปโตœโดฐโต โตโดปโตŽโดฝโต”. (Agaz amis, ttamtaltilum eaeynun ini adetal l-emker?) / Today, we will go to the language laboratory. Where is your homework?
  • Student 4: โดฐโต›โตโตโดฐ โต‰โตฃโต‰. (Acenna izzi) / I forgot it.

Graduation[edit | edit source]

Graduation is an exciting moment, the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Here are some terms related to graduation:

Kabyle Pronunciation English
โตฃโดณโต”โดฐโตก zgeraw Diploma
โดฐโต”โดฐโตœ โดฐโดทโดฐโดผโดฐโต™ arata adafas Graduation ceremony
โต‰โตœโดฐโต” โดฐโต”โดฐโตœโดฐ itar arata Graduation party


  • Teacher: โตœโตœโดฐโตŽโตœโตœโดฐโตโต‰โตœ, โต‰โตœโดฐโต” โดฐโต”โดฐโตœโดฐ, โตœโตœโดฐโตฃโต›โดฐ โตฃโดณโต”โดฐโตก โดฐโดทโดฐโดผโดฐโต™? (Ttamtaltilumi, itar arata, ttazcha zgeraw adafas?) / Students, at the graduation ceremony, do you receive a diploma?
  • All the students: โดฐโตกโดฐโดฑ, โดฐโตกโดฐโดฑ. (Awab, awab) / Yes, yes.

Remember that learning is a powerful tool that can lead to great opportunities. Learning Kabyle can give you access to a rich cultural heritage, history, and literature. When you have the opportunity to learn a new language, embrace it!

To improve your Kabyle Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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