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Modern Greek (1453-) Vocabulary → Advanced Vocabulary → Business and economics

As a language teacher, I frequently get asked about the most important vocabulary in Greek to learn, particularly for professionals or business travelers looking to communicate with locals. In this lesson, we’ll cover some advanced vocabulary related to business and economics. Whether you’re negotiating a deal or attending a conference, these terms will come in handy. So let’s get started!

Common Business Terms

  • Επιχείρηση (Epichirisi) – "Business"
  • Διεθνής (Dietniss) – "International"
  • Εγχώρια (Enchoria) – "Domestic"
  • Συνεργαζόμενος (Sinergazomenos) – "Collaborator"
  • Επενδυτής (Ependytis) – "Investor"
  • Επενδύσεις (Ependyseis) – "Investments"
  • Αγορά (Agora) – "Market"
  • Επιτόκιο (Epitokio) – "Interest Rate"
  • Αμοιβή (Amoivi) – "Compensation"
  • Αποζημίωση (Apozimiosi) – "Reimbursement"
Modern Greek (1453-) Pronunciation English
Επιχείρηση Eh-pe-khee-ree-see Business
Διεθνής Dye-th-niss International
Εγχώρια En-ho-ree-ah Domestic
Συνεργαζόμενος See-nehr-ga-zoh-meh-nos Collaborator
Επενδυτής Eh-pen-dee-tees Investor
Επενδύσεις Eh-pen-dy-sees Investments
Αγορά Ah-go-rah Market
Επιτόκιο Eh-pee-toh-kee-oh Interest Rate
Αμοιβή Ah-mee-vee Compensation
Αποζημίωση Ah-poh-zee-mee-oh-see Reimbursement

Economic Terms

  • Οικονομία (Eekonomia) – "Economy"
  • Παγκόσμιο Ακαθάριστο Προϊόν (Pankosmio Akatharisto Proion) – "Gross Domestic Product (GDP)"
  • Διεθνές Εμπόριο (Dietnes Emporio) – "International Trade"
  • Πληθωρισμός (Plethorismos) – "Inflation"
  • Ανεργία (Anergia) – "Unemployment"
  • Εκτίμηση (Ektimisi) – "Estimate"
  • Προνόμια (Pronomia) – "Privileges"
  • Χρέος (Hreos) – "Debt"
Modern Greek (1453-) Pronunciation English
Οικονομία Eek-o-noh-mia Economy
Παγκόσμιο Ακαθάριστο Προϊόν Pan-kos-mio Aka-tha-risto Pro-yon Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Διεθνές Εμπόριο Dye-tnes Em-po-rio International Trade
Πληθωρισμός Ple-tho-rismos Inflation
Ανεργία A-ner-gia Unemployment
Εκτίμηση Ekti-misi Estimate
Προνόμια Pro-no-mia Privileges
Χρέος Hreos Debt

Tips for Learning Vocabulary

When it comes to learning new vocabulary, there are a few strategies that can help make the process smoother:

  • Repetition - Consistently reviewing new words and phrases will help you memorize them better
  • Contextualization - Understanding words within their context can help reinforce their meanings
  • Practice with Native Speakers - Speaking with native Greek speakers can help you test your knowledge and improve your understanding of the language
  • Use Vocabulary in Real Life Situations - Apply new words and phrases in everyday settings whenever possible to help make them a part of your regular vocabulary

By incorporating these tactics, you’ll be well on your way to expanding your Greek vocabulary!


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