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◀️ Noun Gender and Plurals — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Telling Time ▶️

Modern Greek (1453-) Vocabulary → Numbers and Time → Numbers 1-100

In the previous lesson, we learned the basics of greetings and introductions in Modern Greek. We practiced common phrases and vocabulary to help you start conversations and introduce yourself. Now, in this lesson, we will focus on numbers and counting in Modern Greek. Numbers are an essential part of any language, and learning them will enable you to talk about quantities, tell time, and perform simple calculations. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to count from 1 to 100 in Modern Greek with confidence.

Cardinal Numbers[edit | edit source]

In Modern Greek, cardinal numbers are used to represent the quantity or number of things. Let's start by learning the numbers from 1 to 10:

  • ένα (éna) - one
  • δύο (dío) - two
  • τρία (tría) - three
  • τέσσερα (téssera) - four
  • πέντε (pénte) - five
  • έξι (éxi) - six
  • επτά (eptá) - seven
  • οκτώ (októ) - eight
  • εννέα (ennéa) - nine
  • δέκα (déka) - ten

These numbers are the foundation upon which we build the rest of the counting system. Take some time to practice saying them out loud and familiarize yourself with their pronunciation.

Numbers 11-20[edit | edit source]

Now let's move on to the numbers from 11 to 20. In Modern Greek, numbers from 11 to 19 are formed by combining the word for ten (δέκα, déka) with the digits one to nine.

  • έντεκα (énteka) - eleven
  • δώδεκα (dódeka) - twelve
  • δεκατρία (dekatría) - thirteen
  • δεκατέσσερα (dekatéssera) - fourteen
  • δεκαπέντε (dekapénte) - fifteen
  • δεκαέξι (dekaéxi) - sixteen
  • δεκαεπτά (dekaeptá) - seventeen
  • δεκαοκτώ (dekaoktó) - eighteen
  • δεκαεννέα (dekaennéa) - nineteen
  • είκοσι (íkosi) - twenty

Notice that the numbers eleven to nineteen are written as one word, while twenty is written as a separate word. Practice saying these numbers aloud to become more comfortable with their pronunciation.

Numbers 21-30[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 21 to 30 in Modern Greek, we simply add the word for twenty (είκοσι, íkosi) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • είκοσι ένα (íkosi éna) - twenty-one
  • είκοσι δύο (íkosi dío) - twenty-two
  • είκοσι τρία (íkosi tría) - twenty-three
  • είκοσι τέσσερα (íkosi téssera) - twenty-four
  • είκοσι πέντε (íkosi pénte) - twenty-five
  • είκοσι έξι (íkosi éxi) - twenty-six
  • είκοσι επτά (íkosi eptá) - twenty-seven
  • είκοσι οκτώ (íkosi októ) - twenty-eight
  • είκοσι εννέα (íkosi ennéa) - twenty-nine
  • τριάντα (triánta) - thirty

Take your time to practice these numbers and their pronunciation. Repetition is key to mastering the counting system in any language.

Numbers 31-40[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 31 to 40 in Modern Greek, we add the word for thirty (τριάντα, triánta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • τριάντα ένα (triánta éna) - thirty-one
  • τριάντα δύο (triánta dío) - thirty-two
  • τριάντα τρία (triánta tría) - thirty-three
  • τριάντα τέσσερα (triánta téssera) - thirty-four
  • τριάντα πέντε (triánta pénte) - thirty-five
  • τριάντα έξι (triánta éxi) - thirty-six
  • τριάντα επτά (triánta eptá) - thirty-seven
  • τριάντα οκτώ (triánta októ) - thirty-eight
  • τριάντα εννέα (triánta ennéa) - thirty-nine
  • σαράντα (saránta) - forty

Continue practicing these numbers to reinforce your understanding and improve your pronunciation.

Numbers 41-50[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 41 to 50 in Modern Greek, we add the word for forty (σαράντα, saránta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • σαράντα ένα (saránta éna) - forty-one
  • σαράντα δύο (saránta dío) - forty-two
  • σαράντα τρία (saránta tría) - forty-three
  • σαράντα τέσσερα (saránta téssera) - forty-four
  • σαράντα πέντε (saránta pénte) - forty-five
  • σαράντα έξι (saránta éxi) - forty-six
  • σαράντα επτά (saránta eptá) - forty-seven
  • σαράντα οκτώ (saránta októ) - forty-eight
  • σαράντα εννέα (saránta ennéa) - forty-nine
  • πενήντα (penínta) - fifty

Keep practicing and repeating these numbers to build your confidence in counting from 1 to 50.

Numbers 51-60[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 51 to 60 in Modern Greek, we add the word for fifty (πενήντα, penínta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • πενήντα ένα (penínta éna) - fifty-one
  • πενήντα δύο (penínta dío) - fifty-two
  • πενήντα τρία (penínta tría) - fifty-three
  • πενήντα τέσσερα (penínta téssera) - fifty-four
  • πενήντα πέντε (penínta pénte) - fifty-five
  • πενήντα έξι (penínta éxi) - fifty-six
  • πενήντα επτά (penínta eptá) - fifty-seven
  • πενήντα οκτώ (penínta októ) - fifty-eight
  • πενήντα εννέα (penínta ennéa) - fifty-nine
  • εξήντα (exínta) - sixty

Continue practicing these numbers to reinforce your knowledge and improve your pronunciation.

Numbers 61-70[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 61 to 70 in Modern Greek, we add the word for sixty (εξήντα, exínta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • εξήντα ένα (exínta éna) - sixty-one
  • εξήντα δύο (exínta dío) - sixty-two
  • εξήντα τρία (exínta tría) - sixty-three
  • εξήντα τέσσερα (exínta téssera) - sixty-four
  • εξήντα πέντε (exínta pénte) - sixty-five
  • εξήντα έξι (exínta éxi) - sixty-six
  • εξήντα επτά (exínta eptá) - sixty-seven
  • εξήντα οκτώ (exínta októ) - sixty-eight
  • εξήντα εννέα (exínta ennéa) - sixty-nine
  • εβδομήντα (evdomínta) - seventy

Keep practicing these numbers to become more comfortable with counting in Modern Greek.

Numbers 71-80[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 71 to 80 in Modern Greek, we add the word for seventy (εβδομήντα, evdomínta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • εβδομήντα ένα (evdomínta éna) - seventy-one
  • εβδομήντα δύο (evdomínta dío) - seventy-two
  • εβδομήντα τρία (evdomínta tría) - seventy-three
  • εβδομήντα τέσσερα (evdomínta téssera) - seventy-four
  • εβδομήντα πέντε (evdomínta pénte) - seventy-five
  • εβδομήντα έξι (evdomínta éxi) - seventy-six
  • εβδομήντα επτά (evdomínta eptá) - seventy-seven
  • εβδομήντα οκτώ (evdomínta októ) - seventy-eight
  • εβδομήντα εννέα (evdomínta ennéa) - seventy-nine
  • ογδόντα (ogdónta) - eighty

Continue practicing these numbers to solidify your understanding and improve your pronunciation.

Numbers 81-90[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 81 to 90 in Modern Greek, we add the word for eighty (ογδόντα, ogdónta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • ογδόντα ένα (ogdónta éna) - eighty-one
  • ογδόντα δύο (ogdónta dío) - eighty-two
  • ογδόντα τρία (ogdónta tría) - eighty-three
  • ογδόντα τέσσερα (ogdónta téssera) - eighty-four
  • ογδόντα πέντε (ogdónta pénte) - eighty-five
  • ογδόντα έξι (ogdónta éxi) - eighty-six
  • ογδόντα επτά (ogdónta eptá) - eighty-seven
  • ογδόντα οκτώ (ogdónta októ) - eighty-eight
  • ογδόντα εννέα (ogdónta ennéa) - eighty-nine
  • ενενήντα (enenínta) - ninety

Keep practicing these numbers to enhance your counting skills and pronunciation.

Numbers 91-100[edit | edit source]

To form the numbers from 91 to 100 in Modern Greek, we add the word for ninety (ενενήντα, enenínta) in front of the digits one to nine.

  • ενενήντα ένα (enenínta éna) - ninety-one
  • ενενήντα δύο (enenínta dío) - ninety-two
  • ενενήντα τρία (enenínta tría) - ninety-three
  • ενενήντα τέσσερα (enenínta téssera) - ninety-four
  • ενενήντα πέντε (enenínta pénte) - ninety-five
  • ενενήντα έξι (enenínta éxi) - ninety-six
  • ενενήντα επτά (enenínta eptá) - ninety-seven
  • ενενήντα οκτώ (enenínta októ) - ninety-eight
  • ενενήντα εννέα (enenínta ennéa) - ninety-nine
  • εκατό (ekató) - one hundred

Congratulations! You have now learned how to count from 1 to 100 in Modern Greek. Make sure to practice these numbers regularly to reinforce your knowledge and improve your fluency in counting.

In the next lesson, we will delve into the topic of telling time in Modern Greek. We will learn how to ask and answer questions about the time and discuss daily routines. Until then, keep up the good work and continue practicing your Greek skills!

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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