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Indonesian Vocabulary - Health

Hi Indonesian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be learning Indonesian vocabulary related to health. Health is one of the most important aspects of our lives, and knowing how to talk about it in Indonesian can be very useful. Let's get started!

Basic Health Vocabulary

To begin with, let's look at some basic health-related words in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
kesehatan kuh-suh-hah-tahn health
penyakit pen-yah-keet sickness/disease
obat oh-BAHT medicine/drugs
sakit sah-keet pain/sick
dokter dohk-tuhr doctor
ruang tunggu roo-ahng too-ngoo waiting room
perawat peh-rah-waht nurse

Now let's learn some useful phrases and expressions:

  • "Saya merasa sakit." (sah-yah meh-rah-sah sah-keet) = "I'm feeling sick."
  • "Saya butuh obat." (sah-yah boo-tooh oh-BAHT) = "I need medicine."
  • "Bolehkah saya minta bantuan?" (boh-leh-kah sah-yah min-tah bahn-too-ahn) = "Can I ask for help?"
  • "Apakah Anda bisa membantu saya?" (ah-pah-kah ahn-dah bee-sah mem-boo-too sah-yah) = "Can you help me?"
  • "Saya ingin periksa ke dokter." (sah-yah in-gin peh-rih-kah ke dohk-tuhr) = "I want to see a doctor."
  • "Di mana saya bisa mencari obat?" (dee mah-nah sah-yah bee-sah men-char-ee oh-BAHT) = "Where can I find medicine?"

Parts of the Body

Next, let's learn some words for parts of the body:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
kepala keh-pah-lah head
mata mah-tah eye
hidung hee-doong nose
mulut moo-loot mouth
telinga teh-lee-ngah ear
leher luh-her neck
tangan tah-ngahn hand/arm
kaki kah-kee foot/leg

Here is a dialogue to help you see these words in context:

  • Person 1: "Kepala saya sakit." (keh-pah-lah sah-yah sah-keet) = "My head hurts."
  • Person 2: "Apakah mata Anda sakit juga?" (ah-pah-kah mah-tah ahn-dah sah-keet joo-gah) = "Do your eyes hurt too?"
  • Person 1: "Tidak, hanya kepala saya." (tee-dahk, han-yah keh-pah-lah sah-yah) = "No, only my head."
  • Person 2: "Anda mungkin butuh minum obat." (ahn-dah moong-keen boo-tooh mee-noom oh-BAHT) = "You may need to take medicine."


Knowing some common symptoms can be very helpful when describing your health condition. Here are some words for symptoms:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
demam deh-mahm fever
pilek pee-lehck runny nose/cold
batuk bah-took cough
sakit kepala sah-keet keh-pah-lah headache
sakit perut sah-keet peh-root stomachache
lelah luh-lah tired

Here's another dialogue to help you see these words used in context:

  • Person 1: "Saya demam." (sah-yah deh-mahm) = "I have a fever."
  • Person 2: "Berapa suhu badan Anda?" (beh-rah-pah soo-hoo bah-dahn ahn-dah) = "What is your body temperature?"
  • Person 1: "Sekitar 38 derajat." (seh-kee-tahr 38 deh-rah-jaht) = "Around 38 degrees."
  • Person 2: "Anda butuh istirahat banyak dan minum banyak air putih." (ahn-dah boo-tooh is-tee-rah-haht bah-nahk dahn mee-noom bah-nahk ah-eer poo-teeh) = "You need plenty of rest and drink lots of water."

Cultural Tips

- It is common in Indonesian culture to say "Alhamdulillah" (ahl-hahm-doo-lih-lah) when someone sneezes. It means "praise be to God," and is similar to saying "bless you." - Indonesia has a rich tradition of herbal medicine. Many Indonesians prefer natural remedies to traditional medicine. Some popular herbs used in Indonesian traditional medicine include ginger, turmeric, and lemongrass. - It is considered polite to wash your hands before eating in Indonesia, and it is not uncommon for people to carry hand sanitizer with them.

That's it for today's lesson! Hopefully, you have learned some new vocabulary related to health in Indonesian. If you want to practice and improve your Indonesian skills, you can join Polyglot Club and find native speakers to ask them any questions. You can also check out the Vocabulary page for more Indonesian words. Thanks for learning with us! 😊

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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