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Adverbs in Indonesian
Adverbs in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ADVERBS¨ in Indonesian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Personal Pronouns & Numbers.

Adverbs in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





Never Tidak pernah tih dahk pehr nah Nunca
Sometimes Terkadang tehr kah dahn Ás vezes
Often Sering seh rihn Freqüentemente
Usually Biasanya bih ah sah nyah Usualmente
Seldom Jarang jah rahn Raramente
Rarely Jarang jah rahn Raramente
Normally Biasanya bih ah sah nyah Normalmente
Always Selalu seh lah lou Sempre
Last year Tahun lalu tah hoon lah lou Ano passado
Last month Bulan lalu bou lahn lah lou Mês passado
Last week Minggu lalu mihn gou lah lou Semana Anterior
Yesterday Kemarin keh mah rihn Ontem
Today Hari ini hah rih ih nih Hoje
Tomorrow Besok beh sohk Amanhã
Later Kemudian keh mou dih ahn Mais tarde
Soon Segera seh geh rah Em breve
Now Sekarang seh kah rahn Agora
Tonight Malam ini mah lahm ih nih Esta noite
Already Sudah sou dahH
Then Kemudian keh mou dih ahn Então
Here Sini sih nih Aqui
There Sana sah nah
Far Jauh jah ooH Longe
Nearby Dekat deh kaht Próximo
Inside Dalam deh lahm Lado de dentro
Outside Di luar dih lou ahr Lado de fora

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