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RomanianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Advanced Romanian Vocabulary → Science and Technology

Introduction: Welcome to the Advanced Romanian Vocabulary lesson on Science and Technology. In this lesson, we will explore the specialized vocabulary used in scientific and technological contexts in Romanian. As language learners, it is important to expand our vocabulary to effectively communicate in various domains. Science and technology are integral parts of our modern world, and having a strong grasp of the related terminology will greatly enhance your language skills. Throughout this lesson, we will cover a wide range of topics, from digital and computer terms to scientific concepts. Let's dive in!

Digital and Computer Terms

Computers and Hardware

Computers and their hardware components play a crucial role in our daily lives. Let's start by learning some key Romanian vocabulary related to computers and hardware:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
calculator [kalkuˈlator] computer
tastatură [tasˈta.tu.rə] keyboard
mouse [mus] mouse
monitor [moˈni.tor] monitor
ecran [eˈkran] screen
imprimantă [im.priˈman.tə] printer
scanner [skaˈner] scanner
unitate centrală [u.niˈta.te cenˈtra.lə] central processing unit (CPU)
hard disk [hard disk] hard disk
memorie [meˈmo.ri.e] memory
conexiune [ko.nekˈ] connection

Now, let's practice using these words in sentences:

1. Am nevoie de o tastatură nouă pentru calculatorul meu. Translation: I need a new keyboard for my computer.

2. Ecranul monitorului meu nu funcționează corect. Translation: The screen of my monitor is not working properly.

3. Am cumpărat o imprimantă nouă pentru birou. Translation: I bought a new printer for the office.

Internet and Networking

In today's interconnected world, the internet and networking have become essential. Here are some Romanian words related to internet and networking:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
internet [in.terˈnet] internet
rețea [ˈre.t͡se̯a] network
router [ˈrut̪er] router
modem [moˈdem] modem
Wi-Fi [wiˈfaj] Wi-Fi
conexiune [ko.nekˈ] connection
website [ˈwe̯̯it] website
browser [ˈbrou.zər] browser
email [iˈme̯il] email
fișier [ˈfi.ʃjer] file

Let's see these words in context:

1. Am probleme cu conexiunea la internet. Translation: I have problems with the internet connection.

2. Vreau să cumpăr un router mai rapid pentru acasă. Translation: I want to buy a faster router for home.

3. Trimite-mi fișierul prin email, te rog. Translation: Please send me the file via email.

Programming and Coding

Programming and coding are fundamental skills in the field of technology. Here are some Romanian words related to programming and coding:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
programare [pro.ɡraˈ] programming
cod [kod] code
limbaj de programare [ˈlim.baj de pro.ɡraˈ] programming language
algoritm [al.ɡoˈritm] algorithm
variabilă [va.ˈri̯a.bilə] variable
funcție [funkˈt͡si.e] function
buclă [ˈbuk.le] loop
instrucțiune [ins.trukˈt͡] instruction
compilator [kom.piˈla.tor] compiler
depanator [de.paˈna.tor] debugger

Now, let's use these words in sentences:

1. Învață limbajul de programare Python pentru a dezvolta aplicații. Translation: Learn the Python programming language to develop applications.

2. Am întâmpinat o eroare în codul meu și am folosit depanatorul pentru a o rezolva. Translation: I encountered an error in my code and used the debugger to fix it.

3. Folosește o buclă pentru a itera prin lista de elemente. Translation: Use a loop to iterate through the list of elements.

Scientific Concepts


Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. Let's explore some Romanian vocabulary related to physics:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
fizică [fiˈzikə] physics
atom [aˈtom] atom
particulă [parˈti.ku.lə] particle
forță [ˈfor.t͡sə] force
masă [ˈmasə] mass
energie [en.erˈd͡zi.e] energy
viteză [viˈtezə] speed
gravitație [ɡˈt͡si.e] gravity
undă [ˈun.də] wave
electricitate [e.lek.tri.siˈta.te] electricity

Let's see these words in context:

1. Fizica cuantică explorează comportamentul particulelor la nivel atomic. Translation: Quantum physics explores the behavior of particles at the atomic level.

2. Forța gravitațională atrage obiectele spre centrul Pământului. Translation: The gravitational force pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.

3. Undele sonore necesită un mediu material pentru a se propaga. Translation: Sound waves require a material medium to propagate.


Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties. Here are some Romanian words related to chemistry:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
chimie [ˈki.mi.e] chemistry
element [e.leˈment] element
compus [komˈpus] compound
reacție [re̯akˈt͡si.e] reaction
atom [aˈtom] atom
moleculă [moˈlek.ula] molecule
acid [aˈt͡ʃid] acid
bază [ˈbazə] base
oxid [ˈok.sid] oxide
soluție [so.luˈt͡si.e] solution

Now, let's use these words in sentences:

1. Elementul hidrogen este cel mai abundent în univers. Translation: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.

2. Reacțiile chimice pot produce noi compuși cu proprietăți diferite. Translation: Chemical reactions can produce new compounds with different properties.

3. Soluția de hidroxid de sodiu este bazică. Translation: The solution of sodium hydroxide is basic.


Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions. Let's explore some Romanian vocabulary related to biology:

Romanian Pronunciation English Translation
biologie [bi.oˈlo.d͡zi.e] biology
organism [or.ɡaˈnism] organism
celulă [ˈt͡ʃə] cell
ADN [ˈen] DNA
genă [ˈd͡ʒe.nə] gene
specie [ˈspe.t͡si.e] species
evoluție [e.vo.luˈt͡si.e] evolution
metabolism [me.taˈbo.lizm] metabolism
sistem [siˈstem] system
ecosistem [ˈ] ecosystem

Let's see these words in context:

1. ADN-ul conține informația genetică necesară pentru dezvoltarea unui organism. Translation: DNA contains the genetic information necessary for the development of an organism.

2. Evoluția este procesul prin care speciile se schimbă în timp. Translation: Evolution is the process by which species change over time.

3. Metabolismul este ansamblul reacțiilor chimice care apar într-un organism. Translation: Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in an organism.

Cultural Insights

Romania has a rich scientific and technological heritage. Here are some interesting cultural facts related to science and technology in Romania:

1. Romanian-born physicist Stefan Procopiu made significant contributions to the field of magnetism and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1913.

2. The Romanian inventor Petrache Poenaru patented the world's first fountain pen in 1827, revolutionizing writing instruments.

3. Romania has a strong tradition in mathematics, with notable mathematicians such as Grigore Moisil and Spiru Haret making significant contributions to the field.

4. Romania is home to numerous research institutes and universities that actively engage in scientific research and technological advancements.

5. The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) plays a vital role in Romania's participation in space missions and satellite development.

Now that we have explored the vocabulary and cultural insights related to Science and Technology in Romanian, let's move on to some exercises to practice what we have learned.


1. Match the Romanian words with their English translations:

a) calculator b) conexiune c) energie d) atom e) reacție f) celulă g) evoluție h) router i) chimie j) gravitație

i) connection h) router c) energy d) atom e) reaction f) cell g) evolution a) calculator i) chemistry j) gravity

2. Translate the following sentences into Romanian:

a) The computer screen is too bright. b) I am studying physics at university. c) The chemical reaction produced a new compound. d) The ecosystem is fragile and must be protected.

a) Ecranul calculatorului este prea luminos. b) Studiez fizica la universitate. c) Reacția chimică a produs un nou compus. d) Ecosistemul este fragil și trebuie protejat.

3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate scientific term:

a) DNA contains the genetic __________ necessary for inheritance. b) The force of gravity pulls objects towards the __________ of the Earth. c) In a chemical __________, substances combine to form new compounds. d) Cells are the basic __________ units of living organisms.

a) DNA contains the genetic __information__ necessary for inheritance. b) The force of gravity pulls objects towards the __center__ of the Earth. c) In a chemical __reaction__, substances combine to form new compounds. d) Cells are the basic __building__ units of living organisms.


1. Match the Romanian words with their English translations:

a) calculator - a) computer b) conexiune - i) connection c) energie - c) energy d) atom - d) atom e) reacție - e) reaction f) celulă - f) cell g) evoluție - g) evolution h) router - h) router i) chimie - i) chemistry j) gravitație - j) gravity

2. Translate the following sentences into Romanian:

a) The computer screen is too bright. Translation: Ecranul calculatorului este prea luminos.

b) I am studying physics at university. Translation: Studiez fizica la universitate.

c) The chemical reaction produced a new compound. Translation: Reacția chimică a produs un nou compus.

d) The ecosystem is fragile and must be protected. Translation: Ecosistemul este fragil și trebuie protejat.

3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate scientific term:

a) DNA contains the genetic __information__ necessary for inheritance. b) The force of gravity pulls objects towards the __center__ of the Earth. c) In a chemical __reaction__, substances combine to form new compounds. d) Cells are the basic __building__ units of living organisms.

Congratulations on completing the Advanced Romanian Vocabulary lesson on Science and Technology! You have expanded your knowledge and vocabulary in scientific and technological contexts. Practice using these words in your everyday conversations and continue to explore the fascinating world of science and technology. Keep up the great work!

Table of Contents - Romanian Course - 0 to A1

Greetings and Introductions

Pronouns and Verbs

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Adverbs

Family and Friends

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Food and Drinks

Questions and Negations

Locations and Directions

Plurals and Articles

Hobbies and Activities

Romanian Culture and Traditions

Imperatives and Requests

Travel and Transportation

Romanian Geography and History


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