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BosnianGrammar → Prepositions and Cases

As a Bosnian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I know that one of the most challenging aspects for beginners in Bosnian is mastering the cases and prepositions. However, understanding the cases is essential in order to create complex sentences and communicate effectively in Bosnian. In this lesson, we will explore the cases and prepositions in Bosnian and provide you with useful tips and tricks to help you use them effectively.

Understanding Cases in Bosnian

Cases in Bosnian change the endings of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and numerals, depending on their grammatical function in the sentence. There are seven cases in Bosnian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, instrumental, and locative.

Each case has its own role in relation to the verb and the preposition used, and learning how to use them correctly is essential for clear communication in Bosnian.

Below is a table of the different cases with examples and their uses:

Case Example Use
Nominative Drvo Subject
Genitive Drveta Possession
Dative Drvetu Indirect object
Accusative Drvo Direct object
Vocative Drvo Direct address
Instrumental Drvetom Means
Locative Drvetu Location

As you can see, each case has its own function, which can be identified through the preposition and the verb used in the sentence. Understanding the role of the cases can be challenging, but with practice, you will become more familiar with their uses and be able to use them correctly.

Prepositions and Cases

Prepositions are an essential part of the Bosnian language, and they play a crucial role in determining the case endings of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. It is important to note that some prepositions require a specific case, while others can indicate multiple cases.

For example, the preposition "od" requires the genitive case, while the preposition "u" can indicate either the accusative or the locative case, depending on the context of the sentence.

Below is a table of common prepositions and the cases they require:

Preposition Case
Na Locative
U Accusative/Locative
Kod Genitive
Sa Instrumental
Između Genitive
O Locative
Za Accusative/Genitive
Kroz Accusative/Instrumental

As you can see, each preposition requires a specific case, which must be used in conjunction with the noun, pronoun, or adjective in the sentence.

To practice using prepositions and cases, try creating complex sentences and identifying the cases and the prepositions used. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of how the cases and prepositions work together in the Bosnian language.

Creating Complex Sentences in Bosnian

Once you have a good understanding of the cases and prepositions in Bosnian, you can begin to create more complex sentences. Bosnian is a language that allows for many variations in sentence structure, which can be confusing for beginners. However, once you understand the basics, you can begin to experiment with different structures and create more sophisticated sentences.

To create complex sentences, you can use conjunctions, such as "i" (and), "ali" (but), and "ili" (or), to join words and phrases together. Additionally, you can use subordinating conjunctions, such as "ako" (if), "dok" (while), and "zato što" (because), to connect parts of a sentence and create complex clauses.

Below are some examples of complex sentences in Bosnian:

  • Sedamnaestogodišnjoj djevojci koja se zove Ana se sviđa da igra košarku. (A seventeen-year-old girl named Ana likes to play basketball.)
  • Imam puno posla danas pa neću stići da idem u kino večeras. (I have a lot of work today, so I won't be able to go to the cinema tonight.)
  • Ako bude lijepo vrijeme sutra, idemo na piknik. (If the weather is nice tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.)

By using conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions, you can create more complex and sophisticated sentences in Bosnian.


In this lesson, we have explored the cases and prepositions in Bosnian and provided you with tips and tricks to help you use them effectively. Remember, understanding the cases is essential for creating complex sentences and communicating effectively in Bosnian. With practice and persistence, you can master the cases and prepositions in Bosnian and take your language skills to the next level.

Don't forget to practice creating complex sentences and using prepositions and cases in your everyday conversations. This will help you become more comfortable and confident in using these important grammar structures in real-life situations.

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