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Bosnian Grammar - Pronouns

Hi Bosnian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will cover one of the most important parts of the Bosnian language - pronouns. Pronouns are essential in communicating any message accurately, so it's crucial to learn them.

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Questions, Future Tense, Bosnian Alphabet and Pronunciation & Gender.

What are Pronouns?[edit | edit source]

Pronouns are words that are used to take the place of a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used to avoid repetition and make spoken and written communication more efficient. There are two types of pronouns in Bosnian: personal pronouns and possessive pronouns.

Personal Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Personal pronouns are used to represent a specific person, group or thing. Personal pronouns are an essential grammatical category in Bosnian, and it's essential to master them to become fluent in the language. Here's a table of Bosnian personal pronouns:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Ja /ya/ I
Ti /ti/ You (singular)
On /on/ He
Ona /ona/ She
Ono /ono/ It
Mi /mi/ We
Vi /vee/ You (plural)
Oni /onee/ They (male)
One /oneh/ They (female)

Here's an example dialogue to help you see Bosnian personal pronouns in context:

  • Person 1: Ja idem u školu. (I am going to school.)
  • Person 2: Ti si najbolji đak. (You are the best student.)
  • Person 1: On je profesor. (He is a teacher.)
  • Person 2: Ona je učiteljica. (She is a teacher.)
  • Person 1: Ono je moj pas. (It is my dog.)
  • Person 2: Mi volimo Bosnu i Hercegovinu. (We love Bosnia and Herzegovina.)
  • Person 1: Vi ste moji najbolji prijatelji. (You are my best friends.)
  • Person 2: Oni su moji rođaci. (They are my relatives.)

Possessive Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Possessive pronouns are used to convey ownership or possession of something. In Bosnian, possessive pronouns are formed by adding suffixes to the end of personal pronouns. Here's a table of Bosnian possessive pronouns:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Moj /moy/ My
Tvoj /tvoi/ Your (singular)
Njegov /nyegov/ His
Njezin /nyezin/ Her
Njegovo /nyegovo/ Its
Naš /nash/ Our
Vaš /vash/ Your (plural)
Njihov /nyihov/ Their (male)
Njihov /nyihov/ Their (female)

Here's an example dialogue to help you see Bosnian possessive pronouns in context:

  • Person 1: Ovo je moj auto. (This is my car.)
  • Person 2: Tvoj auto je veći od mog auta. (Your car is bigger than my car.)
  • Person 1: Njegov auto je crven. (His car is red.)
  • Person 2: Njezina kuća je lijepa. (Her house is beautiful.)
  • Person 1: Njegovo računalo je novo. (Its computer is new.)
  • Person 2: Naša soba je velika. (Our room is big.)
  • Person 1: Vaša torba je lijepa. (Your bag is beautiful.)
  • Person 2: Njihov stan je na drugom katu. (Their apartment is on the second floor.)

Tips and Tricks for Learning and Using Pronouns[edit | edit source]

- Memorize pronouns and use them frequently, to help internalize them. - Listen to how native Bosnian speakers use pronouns in everyday conversation. - Practice using pronouns in writing exercises and conversation practice. - If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask native speakers and take advantage of online resources, like Polyglot Club. - Keep in mind that gender and case in Bosnian can affect the form of pronouns.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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