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Croatian Grammar → Intermediate Croatian Grammar → Advanced Verb Tenses

As a Croatian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I've found that verb tenses are one of the most challenging aspects of the Croatian language for intermediate and advanced learners. In this lesson, we will dive into complex verb tenses, including compound past, future perfect, and conditional mood.

Compound Past

The compound past tense in Croatian is formed by using the auxiliary verb "biti" in the present tense followed by the past participle of the main verb. The past participle is formed by adding the suffix "-o" to the stem of the infinitive verb.

Let's take the verb "raditi" (to work) as an example:

Croatian Pronunciation English
radio/la/lo sam ['radiɔ/la/lɔ sam] I have worked

Notice that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb, just like with adjectives.

Here are some other verbs conjugated in the compound past tense:

Croatian Pronunciation English
plesao/la/lo sam ['plɛsaɔ/la/lɔ sam] I have danced
jeo/la/lo sam ['jɛɔ/la/lɔ sam] I have eaten
spavao/la/lo sam ['spavaɔ/la/lɔ sam] I have slept

Future Perfect

The future perfect tense in Croatian is formed by using the auxiliary verb "biti" in the future tense followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Let's take the verb "pisati" (to write) as an example:

Croatian Pronunciation English
bit ću napisao/la/lo ['bit tɕu 'napisao/la/lɔ] I will have written

Here are some other verbs conjugated in the future perfect tense:

Croatian Pronunciation English
bit ću dobio/la/lo ['bit tɕu 'dɔbijɔ/la/lɔ] I will have received
bit ću naučio/la/lo ['bit tɕu 'naʊtʃiɔ/la/lɔ] I will have learned
bit ću putovao/la/lo ['bit tɕu 'putɔvaɔ/la/lɔ] I will have traveled

Conditional Mood

The conditional mood in Croatian indicates a hypothetical action or event that is dependent on certain conditions or circumstances. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "bi" followed by the present tense of the main verb.

Let's take the verb "raditi" (to work) as an example:

Croatian Pronunciation English
radio/la/lo bih ['radiɔ/la/lɔ bih] I would work

Here are some other verbs conjugated in the conditional mood:

Croatian Pronunciation English
jeo/la/lo bih ['jɛɔ/la/lɔ bih] I would eat
spavao/la/lo bih ['spavaɔ/la/lɔ bih] I would sleep
bio/la/lo bih ['biɔ/la/lɔ bih] I would be

It's important to note that the conditional mood also has a past tense, which is formed by using the auxiliary verb "bi" in the past tense followed by the past participle of the main verb.


Congratulations on mastering more complex verb tenses in Croatian! With practice and exposure to the language, these verb tenses will become more intuitive and natural to use. Keep up the good work!


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