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How to Form the Future Tense in Swedish
Future Tense in Swedish

Swedish has four different verb forms to express the future: "future present", "ska", "tänker", and "komma att".

These forms are used differently depending on the context, and this lesson will explain when to use each form. By the end of this lesson, you will have a better understanding of how to use these different verb forms to express the future in Swedish.

Future present of the verb (=present)

The future present of the verb is identical with the present time of the verb, but is meant and translated as future tense.

The future present can be used in most cases:

Jag skriver en svensk lektion på kvällen. (context: I just got up from bed this morning, I am going to do this in the evening. It is thus clear for everybody that this is about future) / I am going to write a Swedish lecture this evening.

But note the difference in meaning, while the verb is staying in the same form, but in this case it is present time: Jag skriver en lektion nu. (context: I am just sitting and writing this lecture for you, right now).

Ska + Infinitiv of verb

Jag ska skriva en svensk lektion på kvällen. / I am going to write a Swedish lecture this evening.

After auxiliary verb “ska” comes always the infinitive of the verb (without “att”, in this case “skriva”).

Also possible and often used, but inte so often as “present future”.

Personally I think that using present future is more comfortable in speeches and therefore used more often.

Here I also have a definite plan, I am (definitely) going to write the lecture this evening. (context: I have time for it, all is prepared).

Tänker + Infinitiv of verb

Jag tänker skriva en svensk lection på kvällen. / I might be going to write the lecture this evening. (Nothing is yet prepared, I might have time for it, Imight not have time for  etc.).

After “tänker” comes always the infinitive of the verb (without “att”, in this case “skriva”).

But note the difference in meaning to the use of “ska”: Here I have no (!) definite plan, I just have the wish to write a Swedish lecture, but it is unsure if I do so. Nothing is prepared and it can be that I have no time for it this evening and do it at another, not defined time and date.

There are further possibilities to use the verb “att tänka/to think”. You will find more information about it in my lecture “att tycka, att tänka, att tro”.

Komma att

If it is something in the future, we have no control over, it happens.

Komma att is therefore for example used with the weather.

Det kommer att regna idag. / It will rain today. 


I will love Jag skall älska
You will love Du skall älska
He will love Han skall älska
We will love Vi skall älska
You will love Ni skall älska
They will love De skall älska
I will speak Jag skall tala
You will speak Du skall tala
He will speak Han skall tala
We will speak Vi skall tala
You will speak Ni skall tala
They will speak De skall tala
I will sleep Jag skall sova
You will sleep Du skall sova
He will sleep Han skall sova
We will sleep Vi skall sova
You will sleep Ni skall sova
They will sleep De skall sova
I will open Jag skall öppna
You will open Du skall öppna
He will open Han skall öppna
We will open Vi skall öppna
You will open Ni skall öppna
They will open De skall öppna



Learn Swedish Future tense - Swedish grammar - YouTube

Future Tense in Swedish - Ska vs. Kommer att - YouTube

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