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<div class="pg_page_title">Hungarian Vocabulary Intermediate Hungarian vocabulary → Science and technology</div>
<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Hungarian|Hungarian]]  [[Language/Hungarian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → Science and technology</div>

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|title=Hungarian Vocabulary → Intermediate Hungarian vocabulary → Science and technology
|title=Hungarian Vocabulary - Science and technology
|keywords=Hungarian, intermediate, vocabulary, science, technology, innovations, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, history, computer science, computer, internet, programming, robotics, artificial intelligence
|keywords=Hungarian, intermediate, vocabulary, science, technology, innovations, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, history, computer science, computer, internet, programming, robotics, artificial intelligence
|description=In this lesson, we will discover Hungarian words for science fields, technologies, and innovations. Discover the essential vocabulary for the intermediate level in Hungarian.
|description=In this lesson, we will discover Hungarian words for science fields, technologies, and innovations. Discover the essential vocabulary for the intermediate level in Hungarian.



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Revision as of 20:17, 18 March 2023

HungarianVocabulary → Science and technology

As a Hungarian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I know how important it is to expand your vocabulary beyond the basics. In this lesson, we will discover Hungarian words for science fields, technologies, and innovations. Let's dive in!


If you are interested in science, you will find Hungarian scientific vocabulary fascinating. Here are some Hungarian words related to different scientific fields:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
biológia [biːoːˈloːɟiɒ] biology
kémia [ˈkeːmiɒ] chemistry
fizika [ˈfizikɒ] physics
matematika [ˈmɒtɒmɒtikɒ] mathematics
földrajz [ˈføldrɒʒ] geography
történelem [ˈtørteːnɛlm] history
informatika [ˈinformɒtikɒ] computer science

- Some useful phrases when talking about science:

  • A biológia az én kedvenc tantárgyam. (Biology is my favorite subject.)
  • Az általános kémia nagyon érdekes. (General chemistry is very interesting.)
  • A fizika nehéz, de nagyon érdekes dolog. (Physics is difficult but very interesting.)
  • A matematikát mindenhol használják. (Mathematics is used everywhere.)
  • Szeretném tanulmányozni a földrajzot. (I would like to study geography.)
  • A történelem tele van izgalmas eseményekkel. (History is full of exciting events.)
  • Az informatika az én jövőmben nagy szerepet fog játszani. (Computer science will play a big role in my future.)

Technology and Innovations

Hungarian is a rich language, and it has plenty of words related to modern technology and innovations. Here are some Hungarian words related to different technological fields:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
számítógép [ˈsaːmi.toːɡeːp] computer
okostelefon [ˈokostoːlɛfon] smartphone
internet [ˈintɛrnɛt] internet
programozás [proɡrɒmozaːʃ] programming
robotika [robotikɒ] robotics
mesterséges intelligencia [ˈmɛstɛrʃeːɡɛʃ intɛlliɡɛntsiɒ] artificial intelligence

- Some useful phrases when talking about technology:

  • A számítógép segítségével dolgozom. (I work using a computer.)
  • Az okostelefonommal mindent csinálok. (I do everything with my smartphone.)
  • Az internet a legjobb dolog, ami valaha történt. (The internet is the best thing that ever happened.)
  • A programozás érdekes és hasznos. (Programming is interesting and useful.)
  • A robotika jövőnk része. (Robotics is part of our future.)
  • A mesterséges intelligencia egyre fontosabbá válik. (Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important.)


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