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* [[Language/Thai/Grammar/Negation|Negation]]


Revision as of 13:06, 12 March 2023

Thai Grammar → Prepositions → Basic Prepositions

As a Thai language teacher for 20 years, I can tell you that prepositions can be tricky in any language. However, in Thai, they are a bit easier to learn because they are not as many as in English. In this lesson, you will learn some basic prepositions in Thai, including 'in', 'on', and 'under'. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use these prepositions to create simple sentences.

Basic Prepositions

In Thai, prepositions are used to indicate the relationship between nouns (or pronouns) and other elements in a sentence. Here are some of the most common prepositions in Thai:

Thai Pronunciation English
ใน nai in
บน bon on
ใต้ dtai under
เหนือ neuua above
ใกล้ glai near

Note that the above table only includes a few examples of basic prepositions in Thai. However, there are more prepositions in Thai that we will cover in later lessons.

Here are some sample sentences using basic prepositions in Thai:

  • หนังสืออยู่ในโต๊ะ (nung-suea yuu nai dtoh) - The book is in the table.
  • กล่องอยู่บนโต๊ะ (glawng yuu bon dtoh) - The box is on the table.
  • แมวอยู่ใต้โต๊ะ (maeo yuu dtai dtoh) - The cat is under the table.

Here are some additional examples using basic prepositions in Thai:

  • นกบินเหนือต้นไม้ (nok bin neuua tonmai) - The bird is flying above the tree.
  • โรงเรียนอยู่ใกล้สนามฟุตบอล (rong-rian yuu glai sanam futbon) - The school is near the football field.

Tips for Using Basic Prepositions in Thai

Here are some tips to help you use basic prepositions in Thai correctly:

  • Always use the correct preposition. In Thai, the preposition used to describe the relationship between two or more nouns is important, so make sure you use the correct one.
  • Prepositions in Thai are generally used after the noun, not before. For example, "on the table" in Thai is "บนโต๊ะ" (bon dtoh), not "โต๊ะบน" (dtoh bon).
  • Pay attention to the tone marks. In Thai, words can have different meanings depending on the tone, so make sure you use the correct tone when speaking.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you use basic prepositions in Thai, the easier it will become to remember them and use them correctly.


In conclusion, learning basic prepositions in Thai is an essential part of mastering the language. By learning the prepositions covered in this lesson, you will be able to create simple sentences and communicate more effectively in Thai. Don't forget to practice using them regularly, and you will see improvements in your language skills in no time!


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