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◀️ Colors — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Adjectives: Agreement and Comparatives ▶️

MacedonianGrammar0 to A1 Course → Nouns and Adjectives → Nouns: Gender and Plurals

In this lesson, you will learn about the gender of nouns in Macedonian and how to form plural nouns.

Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Past Tense & Plurals.

Nouns in Macedonian

In Macedonian, nouns have three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The gender of a noun is important because it affects the form of articles, adjectives, and some verbs that modify the noun.

For example, the definite article "the" changes depending on the gender of the noun:

  • машко (masculine) - "the" is "тој" (toj)
  • женско (feminine) - "the" is "таа" (taa)
  • средно (neuter) - "the" is "то" (to)

Additionally, nouns in Macedonian have two numbers - singular and plural. The plural form is created by adding the suffix "-и" (for the masculine and neuter genders) or "-и/ици" (for the feminine gender) to the singular form of the noun.

For example:

  • син (son) - синови (sons)
  • автомобил (car) - автомобили (cars)
  • мајка (mother) - мајки/мајчици (mothers)

Now, let's take a closer look at each gender.

Masculine Gender

The masculine gender includes all male beings and objects. Additionally, some words that do not refer to male beings or objects are also masculine.

Examples of masculine nouns in Macedonian include:

  • човек (man)
  • куќа (house)
  • куче (dog)
  • фудбал (football)

To form the plural of masculine nouns, add the suffix "-и" to the singular form of the noun.


Macedonian Pronunciation English
човек chovek man
човеци choveci men
куќа koo-ja house
куќи koo-ji houses
куче koo-che dog
кучиња koo-chin-ya dogs
фудбал food-bal football
фудбали food-ba-li footballs

Feminine Gender

The feminine gender includes all female beings and objects. Additionally, some words that do not refer to female beings or objects are also feminine.

Examples of feminine nouns in Macedonian include:

  • жена (woman)
  • кафе (coffee)
  • книга (book)
  • река (river)

To form the plural of feminine nouns, add the suffix "-и/ици" to the singular form of the noun.


Macedonian Pronunciation English
жена zhe-na woman
жени/женки zhe-ni/zhen-ki women
кафе kaf-e coffee
кафиња kafin-ya coffees
книга knee-ga book
книги knee-gi books
река re-ka river
реки re-ki rivers

Neuter Gender

The neuter gender includes all objects that are not living beings.

Examples of neuter nouns in Macedonian include:

  • масло (oil)
  • стакло (glass)
  • дрво (tree)
  • момче (boy)

To form the plural of neuter nouns, add the suffix "-и" to the singular form of the noun.


Macedonian Pronunciation English
масло mas-lo oil
масла mas-la oils
стакло stak-lo glass
стакла stak-la glasses
дрво dr-vo tree
дрва dr-va trees
момче mom-che boy
момчиња mom-chin-ya boys


Like many other languages, Macedonian has some nouns that do not follow the typical patterns of gender and number formation. Here are a few exceptions:

  • дете (child) - neuter gender, plural form: деца (detsa)
  • око (eye) - neuter gender, plural form: очи (ochi)
  • уво (ear) - neuter gender, plural form: уши (ushi)
  • здравје (health) - neuter gender, plural form: no plural

It's important to memorize the exceptions in order to use them correctly in conversation.


In conclusion, the gender and number of nouns are important concepts in Macedonian grammar. By understanding how to form plurals and assign gender accurately, you can communicate more effectively in Macedonian. In the next lesson, we will cover how adjectives agree with nouns in gender and number.

Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Give your Opinion & Common Conjunctions.

Table of Contents - Macedonian Course - 0 to A1

Introductions and Greetings

Pronouns and Articles

Numbers and Colors

Nouns and Adjectives

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Drink

Negation and Questions

Locations and Directions

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Daily Activities and Hobbies

Macedonian Culture and Traditions

Other Lessons


◀️ Colors — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Adjectives: Agreement and Comparatives ▶️