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<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Romanian|Romanian]]  → [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → [[Language/Romanian/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course|0 to A1 Course]] → Advanced Romanian Vocabulary → Advanced Social and Political Issues</div>

<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Romanian|Romanian]]  → [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → Advanced Social and Political Issues</div>
== Introduction ==

In this lesson, we will delve into the advanced vocabulary and concepts related to social and political issues in Romanian. As you progress in your Romanian language learning journey, it is essential to expand your vocabulary and understanding of more complex topics. By exploring social and political issues, you will be able to engage in meaningful conversations, express your opinions, and navigate discussions on activism, human rights, and geopolitical events.
Throughout this lesson, we will cover a wide range of vocabulary and provide numerous examples to help you grasp the meaning and usage of each word or phrase. Additionally, we will explore any regional variations in the usage or understanding of these terms, as well as the historical reasons for these differences. Moreover, we will share interesting cultural facts and anecdotes that relate to the topic, allowing you to gain a deeper insight into Romanian society and its political landscape.
To reinforce your learning, we have included exercises and practice scenarios where you can apply the vocabulary and concepts you have learned. These exercises will help solidify your understanding and provide you with the opportunity to use the language in context. Solutions and explanations will be provided to assist you in your learning process.

As a Romanian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I know that learning about the culture and society of a country can greatly enrich one's language skills. In this lesson, we will explore advanced Romanian vocabulary related to social and political issues that will allow you to express your thoughts and opinions on relevant topics in Romanian society.
By the end of this lesson, you will have expanded your knowledge of advanced Romanian vocabulary related to social and political issues, enabling you to engage in thoughtful conversations and express your ideas confidently. Let's dive into the fascinating world of social and political discourse in Romanian!

== Understanding Activism and Social Movements ==

<span link>Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Animal|Animal]] & [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Describing-Activities|Describing Activities]].</span>
=== Vocabulary ===
== Activism ==

Romania has a rich history of activism, which refers to the use of direct action or campaigning to bring about social or political change. Here are some key terms and phrases related to activism:
To discuss activism and social movements in Romanian, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Romanian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Romanian !! Pronunciation !! English
| activişti || /ak.tiˈviʃti/ || activists
| activism || [ækˈtɪvɪzm̩] || activism
| activist || [ækˈtɪvɪst] || activist
| protest || [proˈtɛst] || protest
| demonstration || [ˌdɛ.mons̪.t̪raˈt̪si̯o̯n] || demonstration
| rally || [ˈra.li] || rally
| march || [mɑrk] || march
| social movement || [ˈso.t͡ʃi.al muvˈmɛnt] || social movement
| civil rights || [ˈt͡ʃi.vil raɪts] || civil rights
| equality || [iːˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti] || equality
| manifestaţii || /man.i.fes.taˈtsi.i/ || protests, demonstrations
| justice || [ˈd͡ʒʌs.tɪs] || justice
| imunitate diplomatică || /i.mu.ni.taˈte di.plomaˈti.kə/ || diplomatic immunity
| advocacy || [ˈæd...si] || advocacy
| campanie || /kamˈpa.nje/ || campaign
| empowerment || [ɪmˈpaʊə.mənt] || empowerment

* Activişti sunt oameni care se implică și luptă pentru schimbarea unei situaţii sociale sau politice care le displace. (Activists are people who get involved and fight for a change in a social or political situation that displeases them.)
=== Examples ===
* Manifestaţiile sunt importante pentru promovarea drepturilor civile. (Protests are important for promoting civil rights.)
* În cazul unor conflicte diplomatice, imunitatea diplomatică poate fi un subiect sensibil de dezbatere. (In case of diplomatic conflicts, diplomatic immunity can be a sensitive topic of debate.)
Now, let's explore these words and phrases in context with some examples:
* Campaniile pot fi o metodă eficientă de a atrage atenţia asupra unor probleme majore. (Campaigns can be an efficient way to draw attention to major issues.)
1. Activism:
- Engaging in activism can be a powerful way to bring about change in society. (Implicarea în activism poate fi o modalitate puternică de a aduce schimbări în societate.)
- Many young people today are passionate about activism and fighting for causes they believe in. (Mulți tineri astăzi sunt pasionați de activism și luptă pentru cauze în care cred.)
2. Activist:
- She is a dedicated activist who has been fighting for human rights for years. (Este o activistă dedicată care luptă pentru drepturile omului de ani de zile.)
- The activists organized a peaceful protest to raise awareness about climate change. (Activiștii au organizat un protest pașnic pentru a sensibiliza opinia publică cu privire la schimbările climatice.)
3. Protest:
- The citizens took to the streets to protest against government corruption. (Cetățenii au ieșit în stradă pentru a protesta împotriva corupției guvernamentale.)
- The protest grew in size as more people joined the cause. (Protestul a crescut ca număr pe măsură ce tot mai multe persoane s-au alăturat cauzei.)
4. Demonstration:
- The students organized a demonstration to demand better education policies. (Studenții au organizat o demonstrație pentru a cere politici mai bune în educație.)
- The demonstration was peaceful and attracted the attention of the media. (Demonstrația a fost pașnică și a atras atenția mass-mediei.)
5. Rally:
- Thousands of people attended the political rally to show their support for the candidate. (Mii de oameni au participat la mitingul politic pentru a-și arăta susținerea față de candidat.)
- The rally was filled with passionate speeches and enthusiastic supporters. (Mitingul a fost plin de discursuri pasionate și susținători entuziaști.)
6. March:
- Women's rights activists organized a march to raise awareness about gender equality. (Activistele pentru drepturile femeilor au organizat o marș pentru a sensibiliza opinia publică cu privire la egalitatea de gen.)
- The march proceeded peacefully through the city streets, drawing attention to the cause. (Marșul a continuat pașnic pe străzile orașului, atrăgând atenția asupra cauzei.)
7. Social movement:
- The feminist movement has made significant strides in promoting gender equality. (Mișcarea feministă a făcut progrese semnificative în promovarea egalității de gen.)
- Social movements play a crucial role in advocating for change and raising awareness. (Mișcările sociale joacă un rol crucial în promovarea schimbării și în sensibilizarea opiniei publice.)
8. Civil rights:
- Protecting civil rights is essential for maintaining a just and equal society. (Protejarea drepturilor civile este esențială pentru menținerea unei societăți drepte și egale.)
- The Civil Rights Movement in the United States fought for racial equality in the 1960s. (Mișcarea pentru Drepturile Civile din Statele Unite a luptat pentru egalitatea rasială în anii 1960.)

== Human Rights ==
9. Equality:
- Equality is a fundamental principle that should be upheld in all aspects of society. (Egalitatea este un principiu fundamental care ar trebui respectat în toate aspectele societății.)
- We must strive for equality and ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities. (Trebuie să ne străduim pentru egalitate și să ne asigurăm că fiecare are acces la aceleași oportunități.)

Romania has made significant progress in promoting and protecting human rights in recent years. Here are some essential terms and phrases related to human rights:
10. Justice:
- The pursuit of justice is a noble goal that requires a fair and impartial legal system. (Căutarea justiției este un scop nobil care necesită un sistem legal corect și imparțial.)
- The victims' families are seeking justice for their loved ones who were affected by the tragedy. (Familiile victimelor caută dreptate pentru cei dragi care au fost afectați de tragedie.)
11. Advocacy:
- Advocacy is the act of supporting and speaking up for a particular cause or issue. (Advocacy este actul de a susține și de a vorbi în favoarea unei cauze sau a unei probleme particulare.)
- She dedicated her life to advocacy for the rights of marginalized communities. (Și-a dedicat viața susținerii drepturilor comunităților marginalizate.)
12. Empowerment:
- Empowerment is about giving individuals the tools and resources to take control of their lives. (Puterea este despre a oferi indivizilor instrumentele și resursele necesare pentru a-și controla viața.)
- Education is a key factor in empowering individuals and enabling them to reach their full potential. (Educația este un factor cheie în împuternicirea indivizilor și le permite să-și atingă întregul lor potențial.)
=== Cultural Insights ===
Romania has a rich history of activism and social movements, particularly during the communist era. The fight for civil rights and political freedom has shaped the country's modern identity and continues to be an important aspect of Romanian society. The fall of communism in 1989 opened up new avenues for activism and the expression of political opinions.
One significant social movement in Romania was the 1989 Revolution, which led to the overthrow of the communist regime. This revolution was marked by widespread protests and demonstrations, with the Romanian people demanding political change and an end to dictatorship. The events of the revolution have had a lasting impact on Romanian society and are still remembered and commemorated today.
Another notable social movement in Romania is the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Despite progress being made in recent years, LGBTQ+ individuals still face discrimination and challenges in achieving full equality. Activists and organizations continue to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, organizing pride parades and raising awareness about the issues faced by the community.
Romania has also seen environmental activism and movements addressing climate change. Activists and organizations have been actively involved in protecting Romania's natural landscapes, such as the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta. Efforts to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices have gained momentum in recent years.
It is important to note that certain social and political issues may have regional variations within Romania. Different regions may have different priorities, concerns, and levels of activism. For example, urban areas may have more active social movements and civil society organizations, while rural areas may have different challenges and focus points. Understanding these regional variations can provide valuable insights into the nuances of Romanian society and politics.
== Exercise: Applying Your Knowledge ==
Now it's time to put your knowledge into practice! Complete the following exercises to reinforce what you have learned.
Exercise 1: Match the Romanian words with their English translations.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Romanian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Romanian !! English
| activism || a. equality
| protest || b. empowerment
| drepturile omului || /drep.tuˈri.le o.mu.lu/ || human rights
| justice || c. social movement
| discriminare || /dis.krimiˈna.re/ || discrimination
| social movement || d. justice
| libertate de exprimare || /li.ber.ta.te de ek.spreˈma.re/ || freedom of expression
| equality || e. activism
| toleranţă || /to.leˈran.tsə/ || tolerance
| empowerment || f. protest

* Drepturile omului sunt esenţiale în orice societate democratică şi libertatea fiecărui individ trebuie să fie protejată. (Human rights are essential in any democratic society and the freedom of each individual must be protected.)
* Discriminarea este inacceptabilă și trebuie combătută în toate formele ei. (Discrimination is unacceptable and must be fought in all its forms.)
1. e
* Libertatea de exprimare este un drept fundamental al fiecărui individ, care permite exprimarea liberă a opiniilor și a ideilor. (Freedom of expression is a fundamental right of every individual, which allows for the free expression of opinions and ideas.)
2. f
* Toleranţa reprezintă respectul și aprecierea diferenţelor culturale şi etnice, fără a face distincţie între oameni. (Tolerance represents respect and appreciation for cultural and ethnic differences, without making a distinction between people.)
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. c

== Geopolitical Events ==
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase from the vocabulary list.

Romania's geopolitical position at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe has made it a key player in global politics. Here are some vital terms and phrases related to geopolitical events:
1. The LGBTQ+ rights ____________ organized a march to advocate for equality and acceptance.
2. Citizens took to the streets to ____________ against government corruption.
3. The feminist ____________ has made significant progress in promoting gender equality.
4. The pursuit of ____________ is a fundamental principle of a fair and just society.
5. The students organized a peaceful ____________ to raise awareness about climate change.
6. Environmental ____________ play a crucial role in protecting Romania's natural landscapes.

{| class="wikitable"
! Romanian !! Pronunciation !! English
1. movement
2. protest
| uniunea europeană || /u.njuˈne̯a e.u.ro.peˈa/ || European Union
3. movement
4. justice
| NATO || /ˈna.to/ || NATO
5. demonstration
6. activists
| neutralitate || /ne.u.traliˈta.te/ || neutrality
== Conclusion ==
| conflicte regionale || /konˈflik.te re.dʒioˈna.le/ || regional conflicts
Congratulations on completing the lesson on advanced social and political issues in Romanian! You have expanded your vocabulary and understanding of important topics such as activism, human rights, and social movements. By grasping these advanced concepts, you are better equipped to engage in meaningful conversations and express your opinions on social and political matters.

* Uniunea Europeană reprezintă o comunitate politică și economică între statele europene. (The European Union represents a political and economic community between European states.)
Remember to practice using these new words and phrases in context to reinforce your learning. Continue to explore Romanian culture and history to gain a deeper understanding of the social and political landscape of Romania. As you progress in your language learning journey, you will become more confident in expressing your thoughts and engaging in discussions on a wide range of topics.
* NATO îşi propune promovarea stabilităţii politice și a securităţii în Europa şi în lume. (NATO aims to promote political stability and security in Europe and the world.)
* Neutralitatea reprezintă poziţia de a nu fi implicat în conflicte sau dispute politice dintre alte state. (Neutrality represents the position of not being involved in political conflicts or disputes between other states.)
* Conflictele regionale pot avea implicații majore pentru securitatea și stabilitatea zonei respective. (Regional conflicts can have major implications for the security and stability of the respective region.)

== Sources ==
Well done, and keep up the great work!
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Romania Human Rights in Romania]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_the_Government_of_Romania Protest against the Government of Romania]

|title=Advanced Romanian Vocabulary - Social and Political Issues
|title=Romanian Vocabulary → Advanced Romanian Vocabulary → Advanced Social and Political Issues
|keywords=romanian vocabulary, social issues, political issues, activism, human rights, geopolitical events, advanced romanian vocabulary
|keywords=Romanian, vocabulary, advanced, social, political, issues, activism, human rights, geopolitical events
|description=In this Advanced Romanian Vocabulary lesson, we will explore vocabulary related to social and political issues including activism, human rights, and geopolitical events. }}
|description=In this lesson, you will explore advanced Romanian vocabulary related to social and political issues, including activism, human rights, and geopolitical events. Delve into the topic with cultural insights and exercises to reinforce your learning.
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==Other Lessons==
==Other Lessons==
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* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Greetings-and-Introductions|Greetings and Introductions]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Greetings-and-Introductions|Greetings and Introductions]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Quantity-in-Romanian|Quantity in Romanian]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Quantity-in-Romanian|Quantity in Romanian]]

<span maj></span> <span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo></span>
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Latest revision as of 19:17, 17 June 2023

RomanianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Advanced Romanian Vocabulary → Advanced Social and Political Issues

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will delve into the advanced vocabulary and concepts related to social and political issues in Romanian. As you progress in your Romanian language learning journey, it is essential to expand your vocabulary and understanding of more complex topics. By exploring social and political issues, you will be able to engage in meaningful conversations, express your opinions, and navigate discussions on activism, human rights, and geopolitical events.

Throughout this lesson, we will cover a wide range of vocabulary and provide numerous examples to help you grasp the meaning and usage of each word or phrase. Additionally, we will explore any regional variations in the usage or understanding of these terms, as well as the historical reasons for these differences. Moreover, we will share interesting cultural facts and anecdotes that relate to the topic, allowing you to gain a deeper insight into Romanian society and its political landscape.

To reinforce your learning, we have included exercises and practice scenarios where you can apply the vocabulary and concepts you have learned. These exercises will help solidify your understanding and provide you with the opportunity to use the language in context. Solutions and explanations will be provided to assist you in your learning process.

By the end of this lesson, you will have expanded your knowledge of advanced Romanian vocabulary related to social and political issues, enabling you to engage in thoughtful conversations and express your ideas confidently. Let's dive into the fascinating world of social and political discourse in Romanian!

Understanding Activism and Social Movements[edit | edit source]

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

To discuss activism and social movements in Romanian, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary:

Romanian Pronunciation English
activism [ækˈtɪvɪzm̩] activism
activist [ækˈtɪvɪst] activist
protest [proˈtɛst] protest
demonstration [ˌdɛ.mons̪.t̪raˈt̪si̯o̯n] demonstration
rally [ˈra.li] rally
march [mɑrk] march
social movement [ˈso.t͡ʃi.al muvˈmɛnt] social movement
civil rights [ˈt͡ʃi.vil raɪts] civil rights
equality [iːˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti] equality
justice [ˈd͡ʒʌs.tɪs] justice
advocacy [ˈæd.və.kə.si] advocacy
empowerment [ɪmˈpaʊə.mənt] empowerment

Examples[edit | edit source]

Now, let's explore these words and phrases in context with some examples:

1. Activism: - Engaging in activism can be a powerful way to bring about change in society. (Implicarea în activism poate fi o modalitate puternică de a aduce schimbări în societate.) - Many young people today are passionate about activism and fighting for causes they believe in. (Mulți tineri astăzi sunt pasionați de activism și luptă pentru cauze în care cred.)

2. Activist: - She is a dedicated activist who has been fighting for human rights for years. (Este o activistă dedicată care luptă pentru drepturile omului de ani de zile.) - The activists organized a peaceful protest to raise awareness about climate change. (Activiștii au organizat un protest pașnic pentru a sensibiliza opinia publică cu privire la schimbările climatice.)

3. Protest: - The citizens took to the streets to protest against government corruption. (Cetățenii au ieșit în stradă pentru a protesta împotriva corupției guvernamentale.) - The protest grew in size as more people joined the cause. (Protestul a crescut ca număr pe măsură ce tot mai multe persoane s-au alăturat cauzei.)

4. Demonstration: - The students organized a demonstration to demand better education policies. (Studenții au organizat o demonstrație pentru a cere politici mai bune în educație.) - The demonstration was peaceful and attracted the attention of the media. (Demonstrația a fost pașnică și a atras atenția mass-mediei.)

5. Rally: - Thousands of people attended the political rally to show their support for the candidate. (Mii de oameni au participat la mitingul politic pentru a-și arăta susținerea față de candidat.) - The rally was filled with passionate speeches and enthusiastic supporters. (Mitingul a fost plin de discursuri pasionate și susținători entuziaști.)

6. March: - Women's rights activists organized a march to raise awareness about gender equality. (Activistele pentru drepturile femeilor au organizat o marș pentru a sensibiliza opinia publică cu privire la egalitatea de gen.) - The march proceeded peacefully through the city streets, drawing attention to the cause. (Marșul a continuat pașnic pe străzile orașului, atrăgând atenția asupra cauzei.)

7. Social movement: - The feminist movement has made significant strides in promoting gender equality. (Mișcarea feministă a făcut progrese semnificative în promovarea egalității de gen.) - Social movements play a crucial role in advocating for change and raising awareness. (Mișcările sociale joacă un rol crucial în promovarea schimbării și în sensibilizarea opiniei publice.)

8. Civil rights: - Protecting civil rights is essential for maintaining a just and equal society. (Protejarea drepturilor civile este esențială pentru menținerea unei societăți drepte și egale.) - The Civil Rights Movement in the United States fought for racial equality in the 1960s. (Mișcarea pentru Drepturile Civile din Statele Unite a luptat pentru egalitatea rasială în anii 1960.)

9. Equality: - Equality is a fundamental principle that should be upheld in all aspects of society. (Egalitatea este un principiu fundamental care ar trebui respectat în toate aspectele societății.) - We must strive for equality and ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities. (Trebuie să ne străduim pentru egalitate și să ne asigurăm că fiecare are acces la aceleași oportunități.)

10. Justice: - The pursuit of justice is a noble goal that requires a fair and impartial legal system. (Căutarea justiției este un scop nobil care necesită un sistem legal corect și imparțial.) - The victims' families are seeking justice for their loved ones who were affected by the tragedy. (Familiile victimelor caută dreptate pentru cei dragi care au fost afectați de tragedie.)

11. Advocacy: - Advocacy is the act of supporting and speaking up for a particular cause or issue. (Advocacy este actul de a susține și de a vorbi în favoarea unei cauze sau a unei probleme particulare.) - She dedicated her life to advocacy for the rights of marginalized communities. (Și-a dedicat viața susținerii drepturilor comunităților marginalizate.)

12. Empowerment: - Empowerment is about giving individuals the tools and resources to take control of their lives. (Puterea este despre a oferi indivizilor instrumentele și resursele necesare pentru a-și controla viața.) - Education is a key factor in empowering individuals and enabling them to reach their full potential. (Educația este un factor cheie în împuternicirea indivizilor și le permite să-și atingă întregul lor potențial.)

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Romania has a rich history of activism and social movements, particularly during the communist era. The fight for civil rights and political freedom has shaped the country's modern identity and continues to be an important aspect of Romanian society. The fall of communism in 1989 opened up new avenues for activism and the expression of political opinions.

One significant social movement in Romania was the 1989 Revolution, which led to the overthrow of the communist regime. This revolution was marked by widespread protests and demonstrations, with the Romanian people demanding political change and an end to dictatorship. The events of the revolution have had a lasting impact on Romanian society and are still remembered and commemorated today.

Another notable social movement in Romania is the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Despite progress being made in recent years, LGBTQ+ individuals still face discrimination and challenges in achieving full equality. Activists and organizations continue to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, organizing pride parades and raising awareness about the issues faced by the community.

Romania has also seen environmental activism and movements addressing climate change. Activists and organizations have been actively involved in protecting Romania's natural landscapes, such as the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta. Efforts to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices have gained momentum in recent years.

It is important to note that certain social and political issues may have regional variations within Romania. Different regions may have different priorities, concerns, and levels of activism. For example, urban areas may have more active social movements and civil society organizations, while rural areas may have different challenges and focus points. Understanding these regional variations can provide valuable insights into the nuances of Romanian society and politics.

Exercise: Applying Your Knowledge[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to put your knowledge into practice! Complete the following exercises to reinforce what you have learned.

Exercise 1: Match the Romanian words with their English translations.

Romanian English
activism a. equality
protest b. empowerment
justice c. social movement
social movement d. justice
equality e. activism
empowerment f. protest

Solution: 1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase from the vocabulary list.

1. The LGBTQ+ rights ____________ organized a march to advocate for equality and acceptance. 2. Citizens took to the streets to ____________ against government corruption. 3. The feminist ____________ has made significant progress in promoting gender equality. 4. The pursuit of ____________ is a fundamental principle of a fair and just society. 5. The students organized a peaceful ____________ to raise awareness about climate change. 6. Environmental ____________ play a crucial role in protecting Romania's natural landscapes.

Solution: 1. movement 2. protest 3. movement 4. justice 5. demonstration 6. activists

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations on completing the lesson on advanced social and political issues in Romanian! You have expanded your vocabulary and understanding of important topics such as activism, human rights, and social movements. By grasping these advanced concepts, you are better equipped to engage in meaningful conversations and express your opinions on social and political matters.

Remember to practice using these new words and phrases in context to reinforce your learning. Continue to explore Romanian culture and history to gain a deeper understanding of the social and political landscape of Romania. As you progress in your language learning journey, you will become more confident in expressing your thoughts and engaging in discussions on a wide range of topics.

Well done, and keep up the great work!

Table of Contents - Romanian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Pronouns and Verbs

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Adverbs

Family and Friends

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Food and Drinks

Questions and Negations

Locations and Directions

Plurals and Articles

Hobbies and Activities

Romanian Culture and Traditions

Imperatives and Requests

Travel and Transportation

Romanian Geography and History

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]