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ArmenianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Armenian Abbreviations and Acronyms → Common Abbreviations

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In the Armenian language, abbreviations play a significant role in written communication. They allow for more efficient and concise expression, making it easier to convey information quickly. Understanding common abbreviations is essential for students who want to read and write in Armenian fluently. In this lesson, we will explore some of the most frequently used abbreviations in the Armenian language and learn how to use them correctly. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid foundation in Armenian abbreviations and be able to understand and use them in various contexts.

Why are abbreviations important?[edit | edit source]

Abbreviations are widely used in the Armenian language for various purposes. They can be found in formal and informal writing, such as newspapers, magazines, social media, and official documents. Learning how to recognize and understand abbreviations is crucial for comprehension and effective communication. Abbreviations not only save time and space but also allow for clearer and more concise expression. By familiarizing yourself with common abbreviations, you will be able to read and write Armenian more efficiently.

Structure of the Lesson[edit | edit source]

This lesson on Armenian abbreviations is divided into two sections: common abbreviations and acronyms/initialisms. In this section, we will focus on common abbreviations, which are shortened forms of words or phrases. These abbreviations are widely used in various contexts and are essential for everyday communication in Armenian. We will explore their meanings, usage, and provide examples to ensure a thorough understanding.

In the next section, we will delve into acronyms and initialisms, which are combinations of letters pronounced as words or individual letters pronounced separately. Acronyms and initialisms are commonly used in specific fields or industries and are important to know for specialized communication.

Let's begin by exploring the world of common abbreviations in the Armenian language.

Common Abbreviations[edit | edit source]

Common abbreviations are widely used in the Armenian language to represent frequently mentioned words or phrases. They are often used in written communication to save time, space, and improve efficiency. Understanding these abbreviations is crucial for effective communication and comprehension. Let's take a look at some common abbreviations in Armenian along with their meanings and usage:

1. հ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [h.]
  • English Translation: "h." (abbreviation for ժամանակակից)
  • Meaning: time

This abbreviation is commonly used in Armenian to refer to time. It is often seen in schedules, timetables, and other time-related contexts. For example, if you see "ժամանակակից" abbreviated as "հ.", it means "time."

2. մ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [m.]
  • English Translation: "m." (abbreviation for մետր)
  • Meaning: meter

The abbreviation "մ." is used to represent the word "մետր" (meter) in Armenian. It is commonly used in measurements, such as distances, lengths, or any context where meters are mentioned.

3. թ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [t.]
  • English Translation: "t." (abbreviation for թիվ)
  • Meaning: number

The abbreviation "թ." stands for the word "թիվ" (number) in Armenian. It is often used when referring to numbers or in numerical contexts.

4. համ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [ha-m.]
  • English Translation: "ha-m." (abbreviation for համար)
  • Meaning: for, number

The abbreviation "համ." is used to represent the word "համար" (for, number) in Armenian. It is commonly used when assigning or referring to a specific number or for any context where "for" is used in English.

5. գլ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [gl.]
  • English Translation: "gl." (abbreviation for գլխավոր)
  • Meaning: main

The abbreviation "գլ." stands for the word "գլխավոր" (main) in Armenian. It is often used to refer to the main or primary element of something.

6. անվ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [anv.]
  • English Translation: "anv." (abbreviation for անվանում)
  • Meaning: name

The abbreviation "անվ." represents the word "անվանում" (name) in Armenian. It is commonly used when referring to a name or naming something.

7. միավոր[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [mi-av-or]
  • English Translation: unit
  • Meaning: unit

The word "միավոր" (unit) is often abbreviated as "միա." This abbreviation is used in various contexts where a unit of measurement or quantity is mentioned.

8. դեպ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [de-p.]
  • English Translation: "de-p." (abbreviation for դեպքորդ)
  • Meaning: second

The abbreviation "դեպ." represents the word "դեպքորդ" (second) in Armenian. It is commonly used when referring to the second occurrence of something or in any context where "second" is used in English.

9. կմ[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [km]
  • English Translation: "km" (abbreviation for կիլոմետր)
  • Meaning: kilometer

The abbreviation "կմ" stands for the word "կիլոմետր" (kilometer) in Armenian. It is widely used in measurements of distance, such as on road signs or in conversations about travel.

10. հաշվ.[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation: [ha-shv.]
  • English Translation: "ha-shv." (abbreviation for հաշվապահություն)
  • Meaning: accounting

The abbreviation "հաշվ." represents the word "հաշվապահություն" (accounting) in Armenian. It is commonly used in financial or business-related contexts.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now that you have learned some common abbreviations in Armenian, let's practice using them in context. Complete the following exercises by filling in the blanks with the appropriate abbreviations:

1. Մասնագիտական գրադարանում գտնվող գլխավոր գրադարանական գրվածքը մասնագիտականության գրադարանին համարվում է անհրաժեշտ:

2. Ես գործառույթի կարիքներին անկախ հասկացելով, միավոր ժամանակներում անամբողջականորեն վերաբերվում եմ այն:

3. Կայքի մենյուի վերաբերյալ հաշվապահությունը հաշվ. դասավորվում է կայքի մենյուի մեջ:

4. Այս ֆիլմը պատմության հայտնաբերության հետ կապված է հայտնաբերության մասին գրադարանականության պատմությանը:

Solutions[edit | edit source]

1. Մասնագիտական գրադարանում գտնվող գլխավոր գրադարանական գրվածքը մասնագիտականության գրադարանին համարվում է անհրաժեշտ: (The main scientific article found in the scientific library is considered necessary for scientific research.)

2. Ես գործառույթի կարիքներին անկախ հասկացելով, միավոր ժամանակներում անամբողջականորեն վերաբերվում եմ այն: (Having understood the importance of teamwork, I always emphasize it in unit time.)

3. Կայքի մենյուի վերաբերյալ հաշվապահությունը հաշվ. դասավորվում է կայքի մենյուի մեջ: (The accounting is included in the website menu.)

4. Այս ֆիլմը պատմության հայտնաբերության հետ կապված է հայտնաբերության մասին գրադարանականությանը: (This film is related to the discovery of historiography.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored common abbreviations in the Armenian language. We have learned how abbreviations can save time, space, and improve communication efficiency. By understanding these abbreviations, you will be able to read and write Armenian more effectively. Make sure to practice using these abbreviations in various contexts to reinforce your learning. Keep up the great work, and continue to expand your knowledge of the Armenian language!

Table of Contents - Armenian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Basic Sentence Structure

Family and Relationships

Nouns and Pronouns

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Armenian Traditions and Customs

Sources[edit | edit source]

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