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ArmenianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Family and Relationships → Describing Relationships

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will delve into the topic of describing relationships in Armenian. Whether it's talking about friendship, love, or marriage, being able to express your relationships with others is an essential part of communication. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of the vocabulary and phrases needed to describe various types of relationships in Armenian, as well as how to talk about your own relationships with others.

To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, we will explore the cultural aspects and historical context of relationships in Armenia. Through interesting cultural facts and anecdotes, you will gain a deeper understanding of how relationships are valued and expressed in Armenian society.

We will begin by introducing the basic vocabulary and phrases related to describing relationships in Armenian. We will then provide numerous examples to illustrate each point, ensuring clarity and pedagogical soundness. Following that, we will explore any regional variations in the usage or understanding of relationship terms, shedding light on historical reasons for these differences.

To reinforce your learning, we have included exercises and practice scenarios throughout the lesson. These exercises will allow you to apply what you have learned and solidify your understanding of the material. Detailed solutions and explanations will be provided to help you navigate the exercises effectively.

By incorporating a human touch into the lesson, we aim to make the learning experience engaging and relatable. As an Armenian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I will inject my own unique teaching style and creativity, ensuring that you not only learn the vocabulary and phrases but also enjoy the process.

Let's begin our journey into describing relationships in Armenian!

Vocabulary and Phrases[edit | edit source]

To describe relationships in Armenian, it's important to have a solid foundation of vocabulary and phrases. In this section, we will introduce the key terms and expressions that will enable you to express various types of relationships in Armenian.

Friendship[edit | edit source]

Friendship is a universal concept that transcends language barriers. In Armenian, there are several words and phrases that can be used to describe different aspects of friendship. Let's take a look at some of them:

Armenian Pronunciation English Translation
ընկեր əŋˈkɛɾ friend
ընկերական əŋkɛɾɑˈkɑn friendly
համայնք hɑmɑˈjəŋkʰ companionship
համոզված hɑmozˈvɑts bonded


  • Ես ուրախ եմ ձեր հետ ընկերությունից։ (Yes urax em jer het enkeryut’yunits'.) - I am happy with your friendship.
  • Մենք ընկերական ենք։ (Menk' enkeryakan enk'.) - We are friends.

Love[edit | edit source]

Love is a complex emotion, and Armenian has several words and phrases to capture its various nuances. Let's explore some of the key vocabulary related to love:

Armenian Pronunciation English Translation
սեր sɛɾ love
սերանամուն sɛɾɑnɑˈmun beloved
սերասեր sɛɾɑˈsɛɾ soulmate
ճամփա d͡ʒɑmˈpʰɑ passion


  • Ես քեզ սիրում եմ։ (Yes k’ez sirum em.) - I love you.
  • Սիրում եմ քո համար։ (Sirum em ko hamar.) - I love you (informal).

Marriage[edit | edit source]

Marriage is a significant milestone in many people's lives, and Armenian has specific vocabulary and phrases associated with this institution. Let's take a look at some key terms:

Armenian Pronunciation English Translation
հարսանավ hɑrˈsɑnɑv wedding
կապակցություն kɑpɑkʰuˈtʰjun marriage
ընդունակություն ənduˈnɑkʰutʰjun partnership
ամուսնություն ɑmuʂnuˈtʰjun family


  • Շնորհավորում եմ ձեզ հարսանավի համար։ (Šnorhavorum em jez hɑrˈsɑnɑvi hamar.) - Congratulations on your wedding.
  • Մենք կապակցված ենք։ (Menk' kapaktsvats enk'.) - We are married.

Expressing Your Own Relationships[edit | edit source]

To talk about your own relationships with others, you will need to use specific vocabulary and phrases. Let's explore some examples:

  • Ես քեզ ընկերություն եմ ուներեն։ (Yes k’ez enkeryut’yun em uneren.) - I have a friendship with you.
  • Ուրախ եմ ձեզ հետ եմ։ (Urax em jez het em.) - I am happy with you.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Relationships hold a significant place in Armenian culture, and understanding the cultural context can enhance your understanding of the language. Let's explore some cultural insights related to describing relationships in Armenian.

Regional Variations[edit | edit source]

While the Armenian language remains consistent across regions, there may be slight variations in the usage or understanding of relationship terms. These variations are often influenced by regional dialects or historical factors. For example, some dialects may have unique terms for certain relationships, reflecting the cultural diversity within Armenia.

Historical Significance[edit | edit source]

The historical context of Armenia has greatly influenced the understanding and expression of relationships. Throughout history, Armenia has experienced various social and cultural changes, including interactions with neighboring nations and empires. These historical factors have shaped the vocabulary and cultural norms surrounding relationships in Armenian society.

Family Values[edit | edit source]

Family plays a central role in Armenian culture, and strong family ties are highly valued. In Armenian society, it is common for individuals to maintain close relationships with their extended family members, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. These relationships are often expressed through frequent gatherings and mutual support.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Below are some exercises to help you apply the vocabulary and phrases related to describing relationships in Armenian. Try to complete the exercises on your own, and then refer to the solutions and explanations provided.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Armenian words to complete the sentences.

1. Ես ուզում եմ սերուն գտնել քո համար։ (Yes uzum em serun gtnel k'o hamar.) 2. Մենք համարժեք ընկերական ենք։ (Menk' hamarjek enk'.) 3. Սիրում եմ ձեզ։ (Sirum em jez.) 4. Դու մեկը իմ ամենասիրուն եղար։ (Du mek'y im amenasirun eghar.)

Exercise 2: Translate the Phrases Translate the following phrases from English to Armenian.

1. I value our friendship. 2. She is my soulmate. 3. We are partners in life. 4. They have a loving family.

Exercise 3: Describe Your Relationships Write a short paragraph describing your own relationships with family members or friends. Use the vocabulary and phrases you have learned in this lesson.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks 1. Ես ուզում եմ սերուն գտնել քո համար։ (Yes uzum em serun gtnel k'o hamar.) 2. Մենք համարժեք ընկերական ենք։ (Menk' hamarjek enk'.) 3. Սիրում եմ ձեզ։ (Sirum em jez.) 4. Դու մեկը իմ ամենասիրուն եղար։ (Du mek'y im amenasirun eghar.)

Exercise 2: Translate the Phrases 1. I value our friendship. - Ես արժույթ եմ տալիս մեր ընկերությանը։ (Yes arjuyt'em talis mer enkeryut'yan.) 2. She is my soulmate. - Զնասիրությունս է նա։ (Znasirutyuns e na.) 3. We are partners in life. - Մենք ենք կապակցված կյանքում։ (Menk' enk' kapaktsvats kyanq'um.) 4. They have a loving family. - Նրանք ունեն սիրուն ընտանիք։ (Nrank' unen sirun entanik'.)

Exercise 3: Describe Your Relationships (Answers may vary)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations on completing the lesson on describing relationships in Armenian! You have learned essential vocabulary and phrases to express friendship, love, and marriage in Armenian. By understanding the cultural context and historical significance of relationships in Armenia, you have gained a deeper appreciation for the language and its nuances.

Remember to continue practicing and using the vocabulary and phrases in real-life situations to solidify your understanding. In the next lesson, we will explore another exciting aspect of the Armenian language. Keep up the great work!

Table of Contents - Armenian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Basic Sentence Structure

Family and Relationships

Nouns and Pronouns

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Armenian Traditions and Customs

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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