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Vocabulary - Sports & Games

Hello everybody,

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some useful words related to Sports & Games in Turkmen.

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Happy learning! 😊

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons:Basic Turkmen Phrases, Colors, Clothes & Months.

English Turkmen
athlete atletikaçy
athletics atletika
ball top
boxer boksçy
boxing boks
chess küşt
chess player küştşi
dancer tansçy
dancing, dance tans
dice zar
draughts, checkers şaşka
fisher balykçy
fishing balykçylyk
football player futbolçy
gymnast gimnast
gymnastics gimnastika
horse rider, horseman çapyksuwar
hunter awçy
hunting awlamak
player oýunçy
playing card kartoçka
referee emin, sudýa
skier lyzhaçy
skiing lyzha, lyža [RU]
soccer futbol
stadium stadion
swimmer ýüzüji
swimming ýüzüş, ýüzmek
swimming pool basseýn [RU]
team komanda
wrestler pälwan
wrestling göreş, sambo

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