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Vocabulary - Geography

Hello everybody,

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some useful words related to Geography in Turkmen.

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Finish this lesson and explore these related pages:Basic Turkmen Phrases, Colors, How to say Good Bye? & Greetings.

English Turkmen
all over ýüzünde
along tarapynda, ugurynda
Ashgabat Aşgabat
behind arkasynda, aňyrsynda, yzynda
beside gapdalynda, ýanynda
between arasynda
capital (city) paýtagt
China Hytaý
compass kompas
down, below aşak
East Gündogar
emperor imperator
far daş
flag baýdak
here bärde
in front of öňünde
in the middle ortasynda
king şa
language dil
map karta
middle, center orta
near ýakynynda
North Demirgazyk
on boýunda, üstünde
opposite garşysynda
president sowgat, prezident
queen şa aýal
Russia Russiýa
side gapdal, ýan, tarap, ugur
South Günorta
that ol, şol
the left çep
the right sag
there aňyrda
this bu, su
town, city şäher
Turkey Türkiýe
Turkmenistan Türkmenistan
under aşagynda
United States, USA Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlary
up, above ýokary
West Günbatar

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