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Hello Turkmen learners! 😀

In today's lesson, you will learn on which syllable use stress in Turkmen.

Stress is usually on the last syllable of the root, when pronounced in isolation.

It is easy for mother-tongue English speakers to confuse stress and length e.g. bägül [bä:'gül] – rose – has an unstressed lengthened first syllable and a short, but stressed, second syllable.

Avoid saying ['bä:gül], which might be misunderstood. With the addition of affixes of any kind, the stress is on the last syllable, except in the case of words with the question particle –mi, the plural imperative marker –yň/iň and one or two other affixes.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Colors.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • garawul  gara'wul  garawuldan  garawul'dan
  • garaňky  garaň'ky  garaňkylyk  garaňkylyg'yň
  • abadanlaşdyrmak  abadanlaşdyr'mak  abadanlaşdyrdyk  abadanlaşdyr'dyk
  • tamamlamak  tamamla'mak  tamamladyňmy?  tamamla'dyňmy
  • barmak  bar'mak  baryň!  'baryň

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