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Alicha 1.jpg
Tigrinya Vocabulary - Food

In this lesson, you will learn some Tigrinya vocabulary related to food. Tigrinya is a Semitic language spoken in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Food is an important part of the Tigrinya culture, and knowing the words for different foods can help you connect with the culture and communicate with Tigrinya speakers.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: How to greet someone in the Tigrinya language, Drinks, How to say Good Bye? & Feelings.

Basic Food Words[edit | edit source]

  1. Strawberry - ፍራውል (firawil)
  2. Kiwi - ኪቪ (kīvī)
  3. Melon - መሎን (melon)
  4. Orange - ኣራንጅ (aranj)
  5. Grapefruit - ግረፕ-ፍሩት (girepi-firut)
  6. Apple - ቱፋሕ (tufaḥ)
  7. Mango - ማንጎ (manigō)
  8. Banana - ባናና (bananā)
  9. Pineapple - ኣናናስ (ananas)
  10. Fruit salad - ሳላጣ-ፍሩታ (salat’a-firuta)
  11. Toast - ቶስት (tositi)
  12. Butter - ጠስሚ (t’esimī)
  13. Jam - ማርማላድ (marimalad)
  14. Sandwich - ሰንድዊጅ (senidiwīji)
  15. Margarine - ማርጋሪ (marigarī)
  16. Tomato - ጸብሒ-ኣቡን (ts’ebiḥī-abun)
  17. Bread - ባንን (banin)
  18. Rice - ሩዝ (ruz)
  19. Fish - ዓሳ (‘asa)
  20. Steak - ስጋ (siga)
  21. Pizza - ፒሳ (pīsa)
  22. Spaghetti - ስፓገት (sipaget)
  23. Carrot - ካሮት (karot)
  24. Soup - መረቕ (mereḵ’)
  25. Supermarket - ሱፐርማርክት (superimarikiti)

Popular Local Food[edit | edit source]

  • Injera - a sourdough flatbread that is a staple food in Tigrinya cuisine.
Alicha 1.jpg
  • Shiro - a thick stew made from ground chickpeas or lentils, served with injera.
  • Tibs - a dish of sautéed or grilled meat, typically served with injera and vegetables.
  • Zigni - a spicy stew made with beef or lamb, served with injera.
  • Alicha - a mild curry made with meat or vegetables.
  • Kitfo - a dish of raw minced beef, seasoned with spices and served with injera.
  • Hamli - a dish of spinach or other leafy greens cooked with spices and served with injera.
  • Foul - a dish made from fava beans, often served for breakfast.
  • Berbere - a spice blend that is a key ingredient in many Tigrinya dishes.
  • Nai'mat - a dessert made from sweetened bread, milk, and spices.

Practice Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • I have a strawberry. ኣነ ሓደ ፍራውለ ኣሎኒ። ane ḥade firawile alonī።
  • I have a kiwi and a melon. ኣነ ሓንቲ ኪቪን ሓደ መሎንን ኣሎኒ። ane ḥanitī kīvīni ḥade melonini alonī።
  • I have an orange and a grapefruit. ኣነ ሓደ ኣራንጅን ሓንቲ ግረፕ-ፍሩትን ኣሎኒ። ane ḥade aranijini ḥanitī girepi-firutini alonī።
  • I have an apple and a mango. ኣነ ሓደ ቱፋሕን ሓደ ማንጎን ኣለኒ። ane ḥade tufaḥini ḥade manigoni alenī።
  • I have a banana and a pineapple. ኣነ ሓደ ባናናን ሓደ ኣናናስን ኣሎኒ። ane ḥade bananani ḥade ananasini alonī።
  • I am making a fruit salad. ኣነ ሓደ ሳላጣ-ፍሩታ እገብር። ane ḥade salat’a-firuta igebiri።
  • I am eating toast. ኣነ ሓደ ቶስት እየ ዝበልዕ። ane ḥade tositi iye zibeli‘i።
  • I am eating toast with butter. ኣነ ሓደ ቶስት ምስ ጠስሚ እበልዕ። ane ḥade tositi misi t’esimī ibeli‘i።
  • I love eating injera with shiro - እኔ ሽሮ እና እንጀራ እጅግ ያለውን ምግብ ያስፈልጋል.
  • I would like to try the tibs with injera and some vegetables - እኔ ትብስ እና እንጀራን እና አንባቢዎችን ያስተላልፉልኝ.
  • My favorite Tigrinya dish is zigni - ምዝንጅኒ የዛለበት ትግርኛ ዝግብ ነው.
  • I am allergic to berbere, so please be careful not to include it in my food - እኔ በርበሬ ማለት ይችላል, እባክዎን እንደገና ምግብዎን አትርፎ አልተላከም.
  • Can I have some kitfo with injera and a side of hamli, please? - እባክዎን ተጨማሪ ኪትፎን እና ሃምሊዎችን በድምፅ እተጠብቅላቸው?
  • Foul is a delicious breakfast dish - ፋውል በየቀኑ እንደመዝናና ነው.
  • Nai'mat is a perfect dessert to end a meal - ናይማት ተጨማሪ መዝናናት ይመስላል.
  • I'm in the mood for some alicha with injera and rice - የታመነው የሚስማማ ትግርኛ አሊጫ እና እንጀራ እና ሩዝ ነ

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