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Standard Estonian Vocabulary - Clothes

Hi Standard Estonian learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will expand our Standard Estonian vocabulary by focusing on clothes. Learning the names of different clothing items will allow you to describe what you or someone else is wearing, or to ask for something specific when clothes shopping.

Don't forget, to improve your Standard Estonian Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Clothing Items[edit | edit source]

Let's start by learning the Estonian names for different clothing items.

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English
mantel /ˈmɑntel/ coat
jakk /ˈjɑkː/ jacket
pintsak /ˈpintsɑk/ blazer
särk /ˈsærk/ shirt
pluus /ˈpluːs/ blouse
lühikeste varrukatega särk /ˈlyhikeste ˈvɑruːkɑteˌgɑ ˈsærk/ short-sleeved shirt
pikaste varrukatega särk /ˈpikɑste ˈvɑruːkɑteˌgɑ ˈsærk/ long-sleeved shirt
sviiter /ˈsviːter/ sweater
kampsun /ˈkɑmpsun/ jumper
kleit /ˈkleit/ dress
seelik /ˈseːlik/ skirt
püksid /ˈpʏksid/ pants
teksad /ˈteksɑd/ jeans
püksid lühikeste säärtega /ˈpʏksid ˈlyhikeste ˈsærːetegɑ/ shorts
vöö /ˈvøj/ belt
kingad /ˈkiŋɑd/ shoes
saapad /ˈsɑːpɑd/ boots
sandaalid /sɑnˈdɑːlid/ sandals

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

In context, it's easy to see how these clothing items are used. Here’s a short dialogue to demonstrate:

  • Person 1: “Kas sa nägid mu uut mantlit? 😊” (Did you see my new coat?)
  • Person 2: “Jaa! See on ilus! 😍” (Yes! It’s beautiful!)

Colors[edit | edit source]

Now that we know the Estonian names for different clothing items, let's learn how to describe their color.

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English
must /must/ black
valge /ˈvɑlge/ white
hall /hɑlː/ gray
beež /ˈbeːʒ/ beige
pruun /pruun/ brown
punane /ˈpunɑne/ red
oranž /oˈrɑnʒ/ orange
kollane /ˈkolːɑne/ yellow
roheline /ˈroheline/ green
sinine /ˈsinine/ blue
lilla /ˈlillɑ/ purple

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: “Ma kavatsen selles poes uued kingad osta, aga ma ei tea, mis värvi valida.” (I’m planning on buying new shoes at this store, but I don't know which color to choose.)
  • Person 2: “Ma arvan, et sinine sobib sulle hästi!” (I think blue will suit you well!)

Adjectives to Describe Clothes[edit | edit source]

Sometimes we want to describe an item of clothing in more detail, beyond just its color. Here are some useful adjectives to describe clothes:

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English
suur /suur/ big
väike /ˈvæike/ small
pikk /piːk/ long
lühike /'lyhike/ short
mugav /ˈmugɑv/ comfortable
ebamugav /ˈebɑmugɑv/ uncomfortable
stiilne /stiilne/ stylish
trendikas /trendikas/ trendy
vana /ˈvɑnɑ/ old
uus /uus/ new

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: “Kas see särk on sulle mugav? Ta näeb välja suuruselt liiga suur.” (Is that shirt comfortable for you? It looks too big.)
  • Person 2: “Tegelikult on ta väga mugav ja stiilne. 😊” (Actually, it's very comfortable and stylish. 😊)

Cultural Facts[edit | edit source]

Estonian dress culture is relatively simple and practical. Estonians tend to dress for comfort and practicality rather than for fashion. The traditional folk costume ‘kadrina’ is a long, straight dress made of woolen fabric in a muted color, usually brown or grey. It is decorated with intricate embroidery along the collarbone and the sleeves, and is worn with a wide belt that cinches the waist. The dress is usually accompanied by a shawl and apron.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we expanded our Standard Estonian vocabulary by focusing on clothes. We learned the Estonian names for different clothing items, colors, and adjectives to describe clothes. Remember to practice using these new words in context and with native speakers from the Polyglot Club.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Impressive work on finishing this lesson! Explore these additional pages to enhance your understanding: Standard Estonian Vocabulary → Greetings and Introductions ..., Standard Estonian Vocabulary → Greetings and Introductions ..., Days, months and seasons & Sports.

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