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Standard ArabicVocabulary0 to A1 CourseDrinks

Heading level 1[уреди | уреди извор]

In the lesson "Drinks," you will learn the names of some common drinks in Arabic.

Here’s a tip: like in any Arabic lesson, the emphasis is on the pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet and the understanding of the script.

الشاي (aš-šāy)[уреди | уреди извор]

This word is easy for English speakers to remember since it is similar to the English word “chai”. It means “tea”.

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English
الشاي aš-šāy Tea
  • الشاي الأسود (aš-šāy al-ás-wad) – black tea
  • الشاي الأخضر (aš-šāy al-aẖ-ḍar) – green tea
  • شاي بالنعناع (shāy bil-ni‘nā’) – mint tea

القهوة (al-qahwah)[уреди | уреди извор]

The word for coffee is pronounced “qahwa,” and it is one of the most recognizable Arabic words.

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English
القهوة al-qahwah Coffee

Here are some popular types of coffee you can order in Arabic:

  • القهوة العربية (al-qahwah al-‘arabiyyah) – Arabic coffee, usually served with dates
  • قهوة فرنسية (qahwah faransiyyah) – French coffee, also known as café Francais
  • قهوة سودانية (qahwah sudaniyyah) – Sudanese coffee
  • قهوة تركية (qahwah turkiyyah) – Turkish coffee

الماء (al-māʾ)[уреди | уреди извор]

The word for water in Arabic is pronounced “maa”. It is worth noting that the pronunciation of the "aa" sound in Arabic is similar to the "a" in "father" (IPA: /ɑː/), not like the "a" in "cat".

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English
الماء al-māʾ Water

Here are some other drinks you can order in Arabic:

  • المشروبات الغازية (al-mashruubaat al-ghaaziyyah) – soft drinks
  • اللبن (al-laban) – milk
  • عصير (‘aṣsiir) – juice

Hope you had fun learning Arabic drinks!

Heading level 1[уреди | уреди извор]

Tabela sadržaja - Standardni kurs arapskog jezika - 0 do A1[уреди извор]

Uvod u arapski alfabet

Imenice i rod u arapskom jeziku

Glagoli i konjugacija u arapskom jeziku

Brojevi i brojanje na arapskom jeziku

Vokabular za svakodnevnu upotrebu na arapskom jeziku

Vokabular hrane i pića na arapskom jeziku

Arapske običaje i tradicije

Arapska muzika i zabava

Pridevi na arapskom jeziku

Zamjenice na arapskom jeziku

Prepozicije u arapskom jeziku

Pitajuće reči na arapskom jeziku

Prilozi na arapskom jeziku

Vokabular o transportu

Vokabular za kupovinu i novac

Arapska književnost i poezija

Arapska kaligrafija i umjetnost

Vokabular o vremenskim prilikama

Uvjetne rečenice na arapskom jeziku

Trpni glagol na arapskom jeziku

Pridjevi i imenice na arapskom jeziku

Arapska kinematografija i televizija

Arapska moda i ljepota

Vokabular o sportu i slobodnom vremenu

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