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Al ham'za الهمزة

In order to master the Arabic consonant hamza (هَمْزَة), you have to know the rules governing when and how it is written.

The rules change according the position in the word.

Here are those rules:

كتابة الهمزة في اللغة العربية تعد من أهم القواعد وتتغير حسب موضعها ,لدينا :

Hamza at the beginning of the word (Alham'za fe bedayate alkalema): الهمزة في بداية الكلمة[edit | edit source]

Type of Hamza نوع الهمزة Type of Hamza in Arabic (naw'ae Alham'za) Definition Example
Hamza of cutting همزة القطع (ham'zato alqaTae) Alef :this type of Alef is always pronounced أَنا إِِسمي أُسامة

anna esmi ossama

(my name is Osama)

Hamza of linking همزة الوصل (ham'zato alwaSle) Alef appears in beginning of word but if it's preceded by some word or letter it will be not pronounced

it is written at the beginning of any word that's starts with sokun ( ْ)

ma howa 'smoka ?

what's your name?

ما هو اسْمكَ؟

Hamza in the middle of word (alhamza fe wasaTe alkalema): الهمزة في وسط الكلمة[edit | edit source]

Hamza in the middle of the word or the medium hamza:

it is written according to its vowel-marks and the vowel-marks that preceded it, and the strongest vowel-marks is that which determines that, and the strength of the vowel-marks is arranged as follows: kasra, Damma ,Fat'ha. It's written on nabbera ( ئ ) alwaw' (ؤ ) alalef'( أ ),

الهمزة الكسرة kasrra ( ِ ) الضمة Damma( ُ ) الفتحة ( َ )
على الهمزة لئِيم (laeemun) Naughty رؤُوسٌ (ro'oossun) Heads إمرأَةٌ (emra'atun) Woman
قبل الهمزة مِئَةٌ (me'atun) Hundred المُؤْمنونَ (almo'eminuna) the believers فَأْرٌ (fa'erun) Mouse

Hamza at the end of the word (Alham'za fe nihayate alkalemah) : الهمزة في نهاية الكلمة[edit | edit source]

  • It is written alone on the line (ء ) if it is preceded by the Sekoun( ْ)
  • it is written on Alif ( ا) if it is preceded by the fathah( َ )
  • it is written on alnaberra (ى) if it is preceded by the kasrah( ِ)
  • it is written on Alwaw (و) if it is preceded by Domma ( ُ).

الحركة قبل الهمزة The vowel-marks before Hamza (alharakah qabla alham'zah) السكون ( ْ) alsokun الفتحة ( َ) alfat'ha الكسرة ( ِ) alkasra الضمة ( ُ) alDamma
أمثلة ( amthalah) Examples ضَوْءٌ (Daw'un) Light مَرْفَأْ (marfa'un) Port ٌقَارِىء (qare'un) Reader لُؤْلُؤٌ (loe'lo'un) Pearl

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