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Do you want to improve your pronunciation of the spanish vowels?

Learning the vowels of the Spanish alphabet is essential if you want to read, write, and understand the Spanish language.

This lesson introduces you to Spanish vowels and teaches you how to pronounce each one. You will have an opportunity to practice the vowels and test yourself at the end of the lesson.

Not only is learning the letter sounds in Spanish helpful to being able to speak the language, but learning these sounds is also key to being able to understand Spanish that is being spoken to you. Listening and comprehension activities will become much easier once you have mastered these sounds.

Don't be surprised if the pronunciation of a letter is different than it is in English. This is particularly true with vowels. Please look carefully at how each letter is said:

  • A (ah)
  • E (eh)
  • I (ee)
  • O (oh)
  • U (oo)

You will note that the Spanish E sounds like the English A. The Spanish I sounds like the English E. This can pose a problem for English speakers when they are first learning Spanish. The best way to get used to those sounds is to repeat the vowels over and over.

I recommend that you spend a minute each day repeating the sounds to yourself until they start to sound natural.

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