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Mastering the Verb "Hacer" (to do, to make) in Spanish

The verb "Hacer" is central to expressing actions and activities in Spanish. It is an irregular verb and is pivotal in a variety of expressions and contexts. This lesson will explore the conjugation of "Hacer," its diverse uses in different scenarios, and its importance in conveying the ideas of making or doing something.

Conjugation[edit | edit source]

"Hacer" is an irregular verb, presenting unique conjugation patterns that are vital for describing actions and activities.

Present Tense - Presente de Indicativo[edit | edit source]

  • yo hago - I do/make
  • tú haces - you do/make (informal)
  • él/ella/usted hace - he/she/you (formal) does/makes
  • nosotros/nosotras hacemos - we do/make
  • vosotros/vosotras hacéis - you all do/make (informal)
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes hacen - they/you all (formal) do/make

Past Tense - Pretérito Perfecto Simple[edit | edit source]

  • yo hice - I did/made
  • tú hiciste - you did/made (informal)
  • él/ella/usted hizo - he/she/you (formal) did/made
  • nosotros/nosotras hicimos - we did/made
  • vosotros/vosotras hicisteis - you all did/made (informal)
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes hicieron - they/you all (formal) did/made

Future Tense - Futuro Simple[edit | edit source]

  • yo haré - I will do/make
  • tú harás - you will do/make (informal)
  • él/ella/usted hará - he/she/you (formal) will do/make
  • nosotros/nosotras haremos - we will do/make
  • vosotros/vosotras haréis - you all will do/make (informal)
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes harán - they/you all (formal) will do/make

Subjunctive Mood[edit | edit source]

  • yo haga - I do/make (subjunctive)
  • tú hagas - you do/make (subjunctive, informal)
  • él/ella/usted haga - he/she/you (formal) do/make (subjunctive)
  • nosotros/nosotras hagamos - we do/make (subjunctive)
  • vosotros/vosotras hagáis - you all do/make (subjunctive, informal)
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes hagan - they/you all (formal) do/make (subjunctive)

Uses of the Verb "Hacer"[edit | edit source]

"Hacer" is extensively used to talk about performing actions, creating things, and in various idiomatic expressions.

Expressing Actions[edit | edit source]

  • Hago ejercicio todos los días - I exercise every day

Creating or Making[edit | edit source]

  • Hizo una torta para su cumpleaños - He/She made a cake for his/her birthday

Idiomatic Expressions[edit | edit source]

  • Hacer la tarea - to do the homework
  • Hacer un viaje - to take a trip

Examples of Use[edit | edit source]

This section offers practical examples of "Hacer" in daily communication:

Everyday Activities[edit | edit source]

  • ¿Qué haces? - What are you doing?

Describing Tasks[edit | edit source]

  • Tengo que hacer la cena - I have to make dinner

Complete Quiz[edit | edit source]

Evaluate your mastery of "Hacer" with these questions.

  • 1. Correct form of "Hacer" in: "Ellos _____ los deberes."
a) hacen
b) hacemos
c) haces
  • 2. Translate to Spanish: "We did our best."
a) Hacemos lo mejor
b) Hicimos lo mejor
c) Haríamos lo mejor
1. a) hacen
2. b) Hicimos lo mejor

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