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Somali Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Somali learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary related to drinks in Somali. Somali people love tea, coffee, and juice which are common drinks in their daily life.

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Clothes, Fruits and Vegetables, Meals and Dining & Days of the Week.

Tea[edit | edit source]

Tea is called shaah in Somali language. Somali tea is different from other tea, made with special spices and sweetened with sugar. It is served three times in small cups, each cup has a different name according to its strength:

Somali Pronunciation English
Shurbacad shurbacad The first cup
Midho cad midho cad The second cup
Toban cad toban cad The third cup

🍵 As Somali people are very hospitable, it is very common to invite guests over for a cup of tea.


  • Person 1: Maalin walba waxaan ku bari lahaye shaah, ayaad tahay? (Every day I drink tea, do you?)
  • Person 2: Haa, waa sun ah. (Yes, it's good.)

Coffee[edit | edit source]

Coffee is called bun in Somali language. Somali coffee has a unique flavor, it is strong and it is usually made with spices like cardamon, cinnamon, and sometimes ginger. When people gather in Somali houses, it's common to serve coffee with sweets like dates or biscuits. Somali people also say that coffee helps digestion, and is therefore often drunk after meals.

Somali Pronunciation English
Bun bun Coffee
Kuuskuus kuuskuus Coffee with milk
Qaxwo dhaqato qaxwo dhaqato Ethiopian Coffee


  • Person 1: Miyaan jecelahay bun? (Do you like coffee?)
  • Person 2: Haa, tan yar maaha, halkaas waa aad u xirnaanayeysaan somac. (Yes, it's good, especially with snacks.)

Juice and Soft Drinks[edit | edit source]

Somali people love to drink juice, especially in hot weather. They make juice from various fruits like mangoes, passion fruits, oranges, and papayas. In addition, soft drinks are popular in Somalia.

Somali Pronunciation English
Kalmiin kalmiin Lemonade
Aambeelo aambeelo Mango juice
Shanaad shanaad Orange juice
Muuqaal muuqaal Papaya juice
Qwibee qwibee Coca-cola or any other fizzy drink


  • Person 1: Marka hore kalmiin iyo aambeelo na bari lahaa. (First, I would like to have some lemonade and mango juice.)
  • Person 2: Haa, aad igu sii. (Sure, I'll bring them for you.)

Milk and Buttermilk[edit | edit source]

Milk is called caano in Somali. Somali people like to drink milk, especially fresh milk straight from the cow. Buttermilk is called raawac and is also popular.

Somali Pronunciation English
Caano waayo caano waayo Fresh milk
Macmacaan macmacaan Warm milk
Raawac raawac Buttermilk


  • Person 1: Rookada iyo shirka waxaadku waa in lagu baraan karaa macmacaan? (For breakfast and lunch, can I have warm milk?)
  • Person 2: Haa, ma ku fiican tahay. (Yes, you might like it.)

By now, you have learned the Somali vocabulary for drinks. If you want to practice more and improve your vocabulary, you can use the Find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also check out the Vocabulary section for more words related to drinks and other categories.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources: Wikipedia, Everyculture, Migrationology.

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